Brunswick Middle School Toy Soldier Club to Visit East Coast Toy Soldier Show (1 Viewer)

William S. Grey

Private 2
Apr 28, 2007
We long time collectors often complain that the hobby is dominated mainly by older collectors. You know the ones, with white hair, receding hairlines, or a bald pate. We talk this up at shows; complaining about the few numbers of youngsters that visit toy soldier shows.

Well I just received word that The Brunswick Middle School in Connecticut has a Toy Soldier Club with about 30 members, who will be visiting the East Coast Toy Soldier Show this coming Sunday.

So, when you see this group of youngsters at the show, how about thanking them and their teachers for their involvement and participation in our great hobby.

That is great news, Bill, and a very good point. In our club, we're talking, too, about what we can do to encourage young collectors in the hobby. We don't often think about it, but it really does take active encouragement these days, it's different from when we were kids.


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