Brunswickers (1 Viewer)

Peter Reuss

2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
Just got this note from Patriot:

Due to certain problem in the production process, the Brunswickers didn't come out exactly what we wanted. In order to maintain the usual high quality that we have been offering you, we have decided not to use the existing moulds and to redo them all over again from scratch.
Please accept our deepest apologies for this delay.

Best regards
Robert Cheung
Am sorry to hear that Robert .... quite regretable, but do keep up the good quality.

Anxiously awaiting release.

It takes balls to stand behind a product and refuse to goto the production line with an inferior product . it's easier to go with what you got then to trash what you have and go back to the drawing board. Good job. I'll be in line when you do come out with your new naps.:cool:
It takes balls to stand behind a product and refuse to goto the production line with an inferior product . it's easier to go with what you got then to trash what you have and go back to the drawing board. Good job. I'll be in line when you do come out with your new naps.:cool:

Absolutely my feelings too. Great attitude for quality products. BRAVO ZULU to Patriot for a good QA program and having the trust in us, your customers, to understand.
Just because of your decission to trash bad product, I will make sure that my next figure purchase is your figures. Thanks for having the courage to admit that the quality was not up to par and to make improvements.:)
Thanks a lot for your support and understanding.
Glad that we have made a right decision, by choosing quality over schedule.
I will be looking forward to the end result. I did get some of the guard because they were on my Christmas wish list last year:)
Me too. Waht type are you doing? Line, Lights, Lieb Garde, Avante Garde?

Thanks gentlemen,
Kilted Vampire, wish you can add some more to your 2007 Christmas list.:)
Furbar, they are the Lieb batallion.

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