Building a new Wild West Diorama (1 Viewer)

El Pippo

Private 1st Class
Mar 31, 2013

today I would like to show you the single steps of my new Wild West Diorama. I already started a few weeks ago and now its worth to show some pics. Hope you enjoy...

Step 1-4

1) Finding a good place (please ask your partner ;) )
2) Get a good stand for your diorama
3) Make your dio moveable
4) put together the parts

Step 5 and 6

5) Paint the ground, so you have a dark background if you sand it in Step 6

Stufe (6).JPG

6) glue a little bit sand on it :)

Stufe (7).JPG

today I would like to show you the single steps of my new Wild West Diorama. I already started a few weeks ago and now its worth to show some pics. Hope you enjoy...

Step 1-4

1) Finding a good place (please ask your partner ;) )
2) Get a good stand for your diorama
3) Make your dio moveable
4) put together the parts

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"El Pippo":

Your off to a good start! If possible using a display space that is at least 36 inches high is usually best plus good lighting!! Good luck!
Always good to see new ideas and peoples imagination at work .... looking good.
HAVE FUN :cool:

--- Larry
Thx for your nice comments. Today I will try to build up some rock formations for the background.
I finished the rock formations today. As it was my first try with this, I am very satisfied with the result

First I put up the formation with some styrodur, then fill it up with plaster and form out some structures. Paint it and drybrush in 2 steps.

You are doing an incredible job .... the rock formations came out excellent. :salute::
This is starting to shape up to be quite a nice Wild West diorama.

Can't wait to see what is happening next ....
--- Larry
I love watching people build stuff from scratch...
explaining the materials they chose...
showing the process and progress...
posting photos to show their methods...

I would love to follow this thread...

please keep posting pics with details on how you create stuff...

I agree with Mike. Love to see more of step by step on how people are being creative on displaying their collection.
Walt damon
Looks like this Diorama will be quite Large and will be ...................Awesome ! :salute::
added the rocks and some stones and vegetation.

This is so far the result. I hope you will enjoy. I am thinking of adding 2 or 3 military tents SP048 as a camp in front of the rocks and of course more figures ... :D






I see what you're going for here...
looks good...
keep it up and please continue to share your methods...

I have driven by some of these formations...
they are pretty amazing...


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