Calendar for Shows ? (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant Colonel
Jan 6, 2007

Why dont we have a list of all the Shows and the Dates and Times listed ?

I would think that all the dealers and promoters who are on here would want a running list for everyone to see and perhaps make plans around ?

This way you can look and if your travel plans allow - you can make arrangements in personal or business travel to attend. The calendar I think would go Month to Month - complete with Dates, Times and Location of each show. TF Members could even print it out and use it as a reference.

As new shows appear or change time or location - this calendar section could serve as a communication post for those changes.

Right now we have separate threads for each show - but, no one place for all the information.

As my dear friend Alexander Hamilton would say "We need a Central Government - a Federal Structure" ;)



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We can already post items now, to the forum calendar, and they'll appear at the bottom of the page. Let me check the instructions quick, and I'll post back with them.
OK, here's a quick set of instructions:

From the main forum index page, click the Calendar link at the top, to transition to the Calendar page

On the Calendar page, click the Add New Event link, which appears at the far right end of the title bar (ie, the bar with the title, Treefrog Event Calendar)
(You can also click the dropdown arrow on Add New Event, to choose the kind of entry to add: Single/All Day, ranged or recurring event)

A pane will open, similar to the pane for new posts, where you can enter a title, select the date, and enter descriptive text.

The key to keeping the calendar is self-reliance, that is, we'll have to make sure we add items that we think are important and want to see. That's a virtue that I think Hamilton would have approved, too.

Yea - but, this should be easier than that !

We need a section on the forum where you can click and see a run down of all the events by the month - not tucked away out of view - don't you think ?
I know what your saying Ron but, this is simple to use. I just put it on the Calendar and that show is on The Baron's Birthday. The hard part as The Baron eluded to; will be getting folks to put the shows on the calendar to start with I would think.
I don't know, Ron, the Calendar menu option is right next to New Posts. I don't know about the rest of the forum members, but I tend to navigate in the forum using the New Posts option, so to go into the calendar is not too much of a hunt.

Maybe we should appoint an Event Czar to regulate them for us :D

No--no, sorry, not even as a joke. Self-reliance is still the best way. We'll just have to be more diligent, and make more use of the calendar feature.

I would recommend using Old Toy Soldier's calendar.

Not a bad suggestion, but their calendar isn't all-inclusive. It's missing the wargamer show in Lancaster on 15. March, the Annandale show on 30. May, Historicon, another Annandale show (July, I think), the East Coast Toy Soldier show (the Hackensack show), and the Langhorne show, for example.

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