I am currently traveling back to the home office from Appomattox Virginia. We attended the 150th event there for five days.
The binders...
I have been looking for these for a year now and the prices have skyrocketed for the style we offered. Our cost is considerably more than we sold them for, but I am still looking.
The collectors guide...
I will be publishing new collectors guides that will be part of the Standard starting with the fall issue.
The first installment will be for the Anglo-Zulu War and it will work like this:
Each issue of the Standard will have the center four pages unnumbered but will be a section of an updated guide for a range. These can be removed if you like and combined with the following supplements to create a guide for a range. I plan on including some additional notes about the various developments too so it will give more background about the collection.
We will do the same thing with other ranges after we complete the updated collector's guide for the AZW, most likely the American Civil War will follow and so on.
More details to follow in the Standard.