View attachment 286626 hi all anyone know who makes the wild west buildings, they look great
thanks Trevor
Hi Trevor,
I could be mistaken…but I think I heard somewhere that someone called ‘Andy’ designed and built them.
I like them too!
All the best,
I thought he just got better at his PhotoShop skills. {sm4}Nah not possible, these are much to professionally made for Andy^&grin ,Robin.
Any idea when this “Andy bloke” will release these buildings. I want a few for my cavalry
Hi Jason,
I share your desire to get some ‘Western’ buildings…Me too!
However, maybe you’ve heard something about a lockdown in China and the major difficulties that every maker who is producing in that country is experiencing now and has tried to deal with over the last 2 and a half years…It’s not been easy and just recently in the last couple of months it’s got a lot more difficult!
The coming months will be ‘challenging’ to say the least…All I can say is that we will do our best under the circumstances.
All the best,
Thanks Andy, all the best with the challenges ahead. We are all over Covid but the beast ain’t done with us yet!Hi Jason,
I share your desire to get some ‘Western’ buildings…Me too!
However, maybe you’ve heard something about a lockdown in China and the major difficulties that every maker who is producing in that country is experiencing now and has tried to deal with over the last 2 and a half years…It’s not been easy and just recently in the last couple of months it’s got a lot more difficult!
The coming months will be ‘challenging’ to say the least…All I can say is that we will do our best under the circumstances.
All the best,
Hi Jason,
I share your desire to get some ‘Western’ buildings…Me too!
However, maybe you’ve heard something about a lockdown in China and the major difficulties that every maker who is producing in that country is experiencing now and has tried to deal with over the last 2 and a half years…It’s not been easy and just recently in the last couple of months it’s got a lot more difficult!
The coming months will be ‘challenging’ to say the least…All I can say is that we will do our best under the circumstances.
All the best,