Can someone confirm homecast are Royal Scots Fusiliers (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Jan 29, 2020
Can someone let me know if these are Royal Scots Fusiliers from around 1900. They seem to match photos I have found, but want to be certain. Thanks to eveyone for their help.
Off the top of my head will say Yes. The old 21st Regiment of Foot wore government tartan till I believe 1947 then change to Hunting Erskine.
Hope this helps.
On second look somewhat bemused. The figure in middle is wearing a piper's plaid. Pipers wore the kilt, and this guy is carrying a rifle(?).
The soldier with the axe, is he a pioneer? Pioneers usually had beard, or was it only the pioneer sergeant that was allowed to wear a full set?
I suspect the maker of these figures went for imaginative rather than accuracy.
On second look somewhat bemused. The figure in middle is wearing a piper's plaid. Pipers wore the kilt, and this guy is carrying a rifle(?).
The soldier with the axe, is he a pioneer? Pioneers usually had beard, or was it only the pioneer sergeant that was allowed to wear a full set?
I suspect the maker of these figures went for imaginative rather than accuracy.

That is why I am asking the question. Parts seem correct and other parts don't. I guess if you are doing the work you can do whatever you want?
Yes, they are Royal Scots Fusiliers, that was the only Scottish Fusilier regiment.

Uniforms look OK to me, but sure look like home painted and cast.

Here are a couple that I have painted and have in my collection,

these are recast Britains made by Soldier Pac

Scots Guards, Royal Scots, Kings Own Scottish Borders, Royal Scots Fusiliers, Cameronians

and this one is by Brigadiers Toy Soldiers.

Royal Scots Fusiliers, Highland Light Infantry & Cameronian

Yes, they are Royal Scots Fusiliers, that was the only Scottish Fusilier regiment.

Uniforms look OK to me, but sure look like home painted and cast.

Here are a couple that I have painted and have in my collection,

these are recast Britains made by Soldier Pac

Scots Guards, Royal Scots, Kings Own Scottish Borders, Royal Scots Fusiliers, Cameronians

and this one is by Brigadiers Toy Soldiers.

Royal Scots Fusiliers, Highland Light Infantry & Cameronian


Thank you for the information. I can't see any photos of the figures you mentioned?
Thank you for the information. I can't see any photos of the figures you mentioned?

Oh dear, something has gone 'funny' again, I can see them....

anyway here they are again, from my PC, not from my website, so let me know if you can see them,


low.jpg brig3.jpg

I love the way you paint tartans!:salute:: One of these days you have to suggest some castings of WWI Highlanders (preferably Gordons or Blackwatch) you would be willing to paint for me.
Thank you very much for the pictures, they are a tremendous help. Being able to see them upclose makes IDing them much simplier. Excellent work.

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