Can we talk about the Elephant in the corner this month? (1 Viewer)


In the cooler
Oct 16, 2016
Can we talk about the Elephant in the corner this month? new release for June to be announced soon, will we see the elephant this month? What else are you looking forward to this month?
Legion Fort. That's like coming out next month right?

Keep it silly
Can we talk about the Elephant in the corner this month? new release for June to be announced soon, will we see the elephant this month? What else are you looking forward to this month?

The (grey) Elephant will be on display in London plus some other new Romans and Spartans! As for the fort you will have to bear with us, there is every chance we will make it, but not just at this moment in time.
There will be a WW2 aeroplane release tomorrow, quite fitting really as its the anniversary of D-Day followed by a WW1 release later in the month.
The figure release news will be out next week after the London show, as otherwise there would be no surprises at London would there?!

Regards Vicki
I can't wait to see the TG Roman Catapult! Catapult is generic term referring to all pre-gunpowder artillery. The question is will the TG Catapult be a Ballista; which no one has done accurately yet, or an Onager? The Roman Onager should not have wheels as they were assembled onsite not towed. Also the Roman Onager utilized a sling to fire shot, not a cup. Power was provided by torsion springs made from twisted sinew or horsehair. Tension Catapults used laminated wood bows and were a Medieval invention, as the torsion spring technology was lost in the West with the fall of Rome. The greatest Medieval artillery was the Trebuchet; which was a Chinese invention conveyed to the west via the Arab conquests. The Trebuchet counterpoise Catapult could lob a 300 pound stone 300 yards and breach walls. A large Roman Siege Ballista could fire a 60 pound stone over 400 yards in a flat trajectory and breach walls or destroy parapets.

Amazing technology for the period!

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