Category Shuffle--Do we need a "How-To" Section? (1 Viewer)

Shannon Reuss

Forum Administrator
Staff member
Apr 22, 2005
Hi All,
We seem to be getting more and more "how-to" posts and I am wondering what the best way would be to sort them.
Right now we have plastic "how-tos" and diorama "how-tos" but there isn't really a great spot to put casting and painting and conversions of figures. Do you think it would be better to make an official "How-To" category with subcategories for all of the above or does it make more sense to keep plastic "how-tos" under the plastic category for example? Long term it seems to me like a general "how-to" section might make more sense but you're the ones posting under these threads so I wanted your input.
I'm also still interested in adding a war-gaming section if the interest was there. On the other hand, the main forum menu is pretty long already.
What are your thoughts?
I vote yes on a separate "how to" catagory. It would provide a home base for those talented individuals who want to trade techniques, and would keep their posts from mixing up those of us without an artistic bone in their body on other threads.
Shannon I vote yes along with Louis and agree with you that a separate "How To" category makes a lot more sense......Joe (aka The Lt.)
I think the how to works, if it's still around when I finish my latest project I'll post.
I think that seperate sections for painting, casting etc would be a great idea.


A seperate 'how to' section would work for me. It's a great and informative showcase for the talent out there.

Re the wargaming, it's not something that floats my boat. Only posted in case you're trying to guage interest for a seperate category.

Shannon I vote yes along with Louis and agree with you that a separate "How To" category makes a lot more sense......Joe (aka The Lt.)

I'd find it enjoyable seeing wargaming photos of battles between Fubar and Fish along with other Nap collectors to include others who are into WWII and other periods of history. We've currently got wargaming in words so why not one on it's own in pictures.....The Lt.
Good point Lt. The photos of the large scale set ups are impressive.

The How to idea is that, it should include anything how to. To paint, to post, to make terrain, all things should be included. Then you just look at what ever intrests you. I will never cast metal, but I do enjoy reading about the process. Mike.

The idea of a how to section sounds great. As someone who paints and displays 1/72nd scale soldiers I would find it useful to post and exchange information. This would be a good place, for example, for information on uniform colors and paints to use for specific figures. For example, I recently discovered Vallejo paints form Spain and they have totally revolutionized my painting of figures.

Re: Wargaming--I don't play the games but I buy some of the WWII figures to paint and display.

I love the colors used by K&C for their soldiers and would love to know how they achieve them and what kind of paints they use. I realize, of course, that this might be proprietary information.

Was it really 81 degrees in Minnesota this week? There goes your ice fishing!

It would be nice to have a how to for the painting , casting and what not. Maybe these would be sub sections of the How to as it stands now. Also a section on traditional new and old. That would cover a lot of makers frequently discussed.
It would be nice to have a how to for the painting , casting and what not. Maybe these would be sub sections of the How to as it stands now. Also a section on traditional new and old. That would cover a lot of makers frequently discussed.

A "painting, casting your own" section would be good. I also agree about a section for tradional toy soldiers. We usually just use the Britains thread but we might not actually be talking about Britains.
After some trial and error I've figured out how to arrange the forum in an easier-to-navigate format.
My apologies to you all trying to read posts etc. as I am rearranging. It should be over soon. In the meantime, I am really excited at this new format and am open to suggestions of forums that need to be added. We have a few forums that don't really go with any others so they will stand on their own.
When I'm finished I'll make an announcement and tell you all about a cool trick you can do with this new format.

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