Cellts - Ancient Britons? (2 Viewers)

Old Bill

Sergeant First Class
Nov 26, 2008

Not much knowledge on this era :eek: (but I do know I'm going to be collecting these whatever)

I was wondering if they could be classed as Ancient Britons - who were I believe Celtish. Or would they be of a later period?

Any information gratefully received................. Book hunting already :)




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Good question-all Britons (ancient) are Celts, but not all ancient Celts were Britons. I don't know how generic their garb and arms are, to pass for Gauls, for example, or members of other tribes. Or was there enough that was common across the various Celtic tribes and lands that with some different colors, they could be finished as any of a number of various Celtic tribes in the last century BC or first century AD?

Is it among the tribes on Britain, for example, that we're more likely to find warriors painting themselves with woad or other dyes before going into battle, than among the other Celtic tribes?

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Good question-all Britons (ancient) are Celts, but not all ancient Celts were Britons. I don't know how generic their garb and arms are, to pass for Gauls, for example, or members of other tribes. Or was there enough that was common across the various Celtic tribes and lands that with some different colors, they could be finished as any of a number of various Celtic tribes in the last century BC or first century AD?

Is it among the tribes on Britain, for example, that we're more likely to find warriors painting themselves with woad or other dyes before going into battle, than among the other Celtic tribes?


Thank you Brad, very kind of you.

I seem to remember way back in school Ancient Britons were usually portrayed as semi naked and covered in blue woad. (I think some original Roman writers of the invasion of Britain era described them as such.) Which made me think...... these figures look more......advanced? than that.

These look to be more like warriors from Gaul and the mounted figure could date back to Caesar's Gallic Wars. There was a lot of mixing of helmets and weapons and some warriors passed theirs down to future generations. British Celts often stiffened their hair with lime and tattooed their bodies with blue woad. I would say that you could probably use these for both British and Mainland warriors.
I believe that some of the trousers will be done in plaid as well.
I'm sure that John will do some actual British Celts in the future.
The Celts were far more advanced than is usually credited; they invented mail for example and were superb metal workers. The Romans borrowed their mail, shield and helmet designs from Celtic prototypes. The John Jenkins figures are typical of 1st Century BC Gaulish warriors IMO. Note the helmets are similar to the Roman Jockey Hat style bronze helmet; which they copied from the Celts. Rome fought the Celts from 390 BC into the 2nd Century AD, in Italy, Gaul, Spain (Celt-Iberian),Dacia and Briton. Rome was sacked by the Gauls in 390 BC and the Romans never forgot. Celts in Gaul and Spain joined Hannibal as allies against Rome in the second Punic War.

The Celts favored Plaids as the Scots do today. Many Gaulish and Briton Celts were tatood and fought naked or stripped to the waist as a sign of their courage. A Celtic version of the Viking Berserk! The Celts were tall, typically 4 to 6 inches taller than a 5'8" Roman Legionary and they used a 30"+ long slashing sword, thus they had the reach on a Roman, which was fatal in a sword fight. Superior Roman tactics are what prevailed over the Celts in the long term.
Like you Roy I am collecting them who ever they are. These are being especially made by John following discussions with Andy to counter K&C's Roman series and a fine enemy they will be. That said, I think my Roman army is going to out number them knowing the release time tables of each manufacturer.^&grin, Robin.
The Celts were far more advanced than is usually credited; they invented mail for example and were superb metal workers. The Romans borrowed their mail, shield and helmet designs from Celtic prototypes. The John Jenkins figures are typical of 1st Century BC Gaulish warriors IMO. Note the helmets are similar to the Roman Jockey Hat style bronze helmet; which they copied from the Celts. Rome fought the Celts from 390 BC into the 2nd Century AD, in Italy, Gaul, Spain (Celt-Iberian),Dacia and Briton. Rome was sacked by the Gauls in 390 BC and the Romans never forgot. Celts in Gaul and Spain joined Hannibal as allies against Rome in the second Punic War.

The Celts favored Plaids as the Scots do today. Many Gaulish and Briton Celts were tatood and fought naked or stripped to the waist as a sign of their courage. A Celtic version of the Viking Berserk! The Celts were tall, typically 4 to 6 inches taller than a 5'8" Roman Legionary and they used a 30"+ long slashing sword, thus they had the reach on a Roman, which was fatal in a sword fight. Superior Roman tactics are what prevailed over the Celts in the long term.

These look to be more like warriors from Gaul and the mounted figure could date back to Caesar's Gallic Wars. There was a lot of mixing of helmets and weapons and some warriors passed theirs down to future generations. British Celts often stiffened their hair with lime and tattooed their bodies with blue woad. I would say that you could probably use these for both British and Mainland warriors.
I believe that some of the trousers will be done in plaid as well.
I'm sure that John will do some actual British Celts in the future.

Many thanks katana and nysoldiers for your most appreciated help. With your information and the little I have read so far I think I'll go with them being Gauls :)

Like you Roy I am collecting them who ever they are. These are being especially made by John following discussions with Andy to counter K&C's Roman series and a fine enemy they will be. That said, I think my Roman army is going to out number them knowing the release time tables of each manufacturer.^&grin, Robin.

I look forward to seeing the Photo's Robin :)

Having seen the master paints at John's studio, I can guarantee that they are going to blow a few minds
Many thanks katana and nysoldiers for your most appreciated help. With your information and the little I have read so far I think I'll go with them being Gauls :)


What I would also say is that they are likely part of a noble's retinue. They are pretty "wealthy" in that they have metal helmets rather than leather caps, many have swords and they have high quality shields.

It is hard to tell, but a few having high quality mail would be appropriate as well.
lucky man!!...who knows how many wonders you know and forced to be silent! ha ha ha

Yes! I've promised not to mention the layers of dust and pooor shelf organisation - not to mention the state of his coffee/tea making facilities 😂😳

If only you all knew 🤔
This new upcoming series of Armies and Enemies of Ancient Rome holds great promise. The action poses, and what will be colorful attire of these Celts/Gauls will have the same wonderful display impact as John's charging Jacobites.

JJD's great Wars of the Roses series renewed my interest in toy soldiers. His new Ancients will keep it going strong. I'm also holding out hope that the ''Armies'' in Armies and Enemies of Ancient Rome, means John will be producing Romans to fight these charging Celtic warriors........Maybe Roman Legions of the Republic, with K&C doing Imperial.
The Concord publication Ancient Armies by Tim Newark and the late great Angus McBride also has many excellent drawing of War Elephants. The drawings show the size relationship of the warriors and Elephants from Carthage, Macedon and the Sucessor States. All the Concord books are great IMO.
Spotted this in a magazine today. Excuse the poor photo but should whet a few appetitesDSC01420.JPG


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Britons and Gaulish Celts were very similar in dress and weapons. The figures from JJ would be correct for the period 100BC to 50AD. The book Hannibal and the Enemies of Rome by Peter Connolly has a superb section on the Celts; covering their Arms & Armor and fortifications. The book is available from Amazon.
John does his horses so well, looking forward to getting this one. Robin.
They could possibly be the heads of Roman Auxiliaries. That's my guess anyway. Great to see that figure now painted. Brilliant sculpt.

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