Civil war Conversions painted! (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Nov 3, 2005
I got some paint on some of the conte and TSSD figures I mixed and matched and painted them up as rebs. Most of them are just simple conversions and there are a couple of factory poses mixed in that I painted up while I had the paint out.







Nice! I especially like the Colorbearer in the top photo on the left. Seen again six photo down second from the left. Nice conversion. Good "butternut" coats and the checked ragged pants.
I started work today on some artillary figure conversions but I,m still looking for some good cheap cannons to go with them that are not to toy looking and are not under scale. Any one have any suggestions? I bought some Imex plastic cannons but there on the small side and I want something a little better looking. In the diorama photos I,ve got an old plastic cannon I,ve had since I was a kid, does anybody know who made it and is it still available?
Here is a link that has the cannons in a quick diorama. I should have posted this link in the plastic section I believe?
What about the CTS Cannon's Fish ? I have one they are much bigger then IMEX.
Nice conversions as usual Tim. Look great. I've had a bit of the ACW bug myself and actually cleared off the table and started setting up a vision from the 125th Gettysburg reenactment thats been stuck in my head for over 20 years.The boys in blue and grey have sat idle long enough.Your excellent conversions sparked some added enthusiasm as well! Time to carve on a few more. Need more casualties.
Cannons. Doesn't Matt at Hobby Bunker have some CTS at his shop you can eyeball in person?
Guns and crew are a bit of a weak spot as far as availability in the LARGE 54mm scale.
Let's see some Yankee's next Fish!
Wow! Did you go to the one at the National Park or the one a week earlier done the road?

I suggest the CTS guns with the addition of a few details and a paint job. Try filing off the molded "prolonge hooks," and rope plus the elevation screw and adding new ones with plastic bits and scaled down "rope." A new elevation screw removes the "shooting at the moon" look these guns have. You could even add a bit of chain for the "sponge chain" and add the "sponge hooks" with plastic rod. Paint them in the US dark green color and they'll do double duty as US or guns captured by the Rebels.

I like the CTS guns as they are for my Marx CW/WBTS army. They could be an inexpensive gun for the TSSD crews.
These two are the closest to actual CW/WBTS barrels. The Hobby Bunker probably has them.

Napoleon 12 pound cannon (54mm)
Item #: CTS776A
Price $5.95

3'' Rifled Ordinance cannon (54mm)
Item #: CTS777A
Price $5.95
Does anybody know who makes this gun??? And know if its still available??? I,ve had this since I was a kid. It came painted silver with a limber and crew. The limber and horses have gotten lost over the years but I still have a couple of the crew still kicking around somewhere.
I think the figures are old britains??? But I,m not sure about the cannon??? Does anyone know anything about this cannon and if its still available?
This is a real nice cannon for a plastic cannon and its just what I,m looking for if I could only find 5 more???


I thought it might be the Dulcup copy of the Britains plastic cannon or the Timpo plastic gun, but no. The barrel you have is better and the hand spikes look molded onto the side of the carriage. Yours doesn't have a bucket.


Thanks Alex, I saw those and also found a real nice looking G scale gun from another seller on there also but he only had one and it was a little more then I wanted to spend.
I,ve found a bunch of collector type cannons from places like knife dealers and other type places you wouldn,t even think of and the price was right but the scale was wrong:mad: there either to big or too small??? And most have nothing for size reference.
I picked up some Imex guns for cheap! Thanx Scott!!! But there just to small looking next to the conte and TSSD figures I,m converting into cannon crews.

I think I,ll just paint those up for now and live with them till something comes along. I,m not in a major rush to find them and I,m only just getting started on converting the crews.
I might even try and convert some british napoleonic guns? The carriage is very similar.
Fish, I think the AIP British 9 pounder could work as a stand in, painted in the appropriate arty green,with a bronze tube. I think they'll pass very well. Until you find something better.
You can use the crewmen for conversions to---- well I'm sure you'll think of something!

Here are a few pics of what I,ve got so far for my artillary crews. I mixed parts from various figures but mostly TSSD and Conte figures. I,ll start with a picture of the stock TSSD figures untouched.

The rest are mostly conversions, some just simple head swops, others a bit more complex. There are also a few powder blue stock Brazo figures in there from his civil war camp set that I think will work well in the artillary battery.
Here is a photo first of kind of what I,m looking to do overall once there finished and painted.


These next pictures are the larger sized figure conversions of TSSD mixed with Conte!





Here are some Imex figures with just some simple head swops. I hoped the larger sized Conte heads wound make them look a little bigger and help them mix in with the other larger TSSD and Conte figures???

and heres another shot of the brazo figures I think will fit into the artillary battery.


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