Civil War Era Tactics (1 Viewer)

I have a couple quick suggestions, depending on the scope of your interest. First, check out Battle Tactics of the Civil War by Paddy Griffith. It is a solid study of the conflict with empahsis on how the rifled-musket affected the linear tactics. Griffith also covers many other tactical considerations, so this should be a good start for you.

If you want a more strategic level study, try Civil War Command and Strategy: The Process of Victory and Defeat by Archer Jones. This title is more geared towards the meta-maneuvers and how these affected specific engagements. Also looks at the maturation process of commanders' operational skills from both armies.

Hope this helps.

William Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, the most widely used infantry manual of the Civil War. Was updated in 1862 for Confedrate forces. An absolute must read for studying Civil War tactics and formations.

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