Civil War general's Medal of Honor discovered (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Nov 22, 2009

A Medal of Honor awarded to a Civil War general has been returned to a Maine town after it was found inside a book at a church fundraising sale.

The Times Record of Brunswick, Maine reports Civil War Gen. Joshua Chamberlain's original Congressional Medal of Honor has been verified as authentic after it was sent anonymously in July to the Pejepscot Historical Society in Brunswick.

The society at first was skeptical, as they believed Chamberlain's Medal of Honor was already on display at Bowdoin College.

However, that medal was one re-issued to Chamberlain by Congress when the medal was redesigned in 1904, and recipients could either exchange the old medal for the new or keep both. Chamberlain apparently chose to keep both, though he could not wear them at the same time.
Wow that's a great discovery! Glad they sent it back to go on display.

How heartwarming to read that not everyone is motivated by the idea of profiting from the sale of Old Medals.

I'm pretty sure that this one might have generated a great deal of money - from that chance find - but he/she chose instead to donate it to a proper place anonymously - and at no profit. Well done indeed - and quite right too. jb
Glad it was returned by the finder but choices might have been limited. I'm not sure of the legal status of a "found" MOH but it is illegal to sell the medal. Might even be illegal to own if not by the awardee or decendents. Interesting story. Of all the ACW MOH's, that this one belongs to Chamberlain is amazing. -- Al

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