Cold Wars, March 2009 (1 Viewer)


Mar 27, 2008
Visited the show yesterday, and wasn't disappointed. As a collector and a painter, but not a wargamer, I can still appreciate the history, and the work that many of the gamers put into their figures. As any of the painters can attest, it's a whole different style to work in Braille scale, as opposed to what we do in 54mm or larger.

As wargamer show, of course, there were tons of games going on. The shows theme was Revolutions, but that didn't limit the eras covered. Ancients, medieval, Civil War, WWII were all well-represented, on land, sea and in the air. Fantasy and science fiction were also covered, and for anyone wrinkling his nose at the thought of that subject area, remember-that's how a lot of young people are getting attracted to the hobby these days. Good for them!

There was a gift for all patrons, too, from, a packet of 1/72 Celts, they'll fit well with the old Airfix Romans and Britons that I have around here somplace.

The vendor area was packed again, though I think there were just a couple dealers fewer than at Historicon in July; the overflow area wasn't used. I saw George (Warrior) but didn't get to talk to him, since he was busy with customers, which is good. I also saw Ken of All the King's Men and his lovely wife, Gina-Ken, you and Gina are super-nice folks, it's always a pleasure to visit with you guys, and my buddy Scott's daughter loved the horse! I got to see Ken's new AWI light dragoons up close and I recommend them to all of you RevWar fans (along with the rest of his line, too).

Lots of materials for the gamer but also for diorama builders. Lots of books, too, both new (eg, from Dennis Shorthouse, who owns On Military Matters) but also from other vendors. In fact, my buddy Dennis (different Dennis) put me on to the wargamers' show for that very reason. For us collectors/painters, wargamers' shows are a good source for that kind of material, because wargamers tend to focus on a period for a while, collect a lot of documentation, then move to another period, and they sell the books, etc, from the old period. Between the vendor hall and the flea market area, I picked up Pappy Boyington's autobiography, "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep" and Martin Caidin's "Flying Forts", both in paperback; a hardbound copy of David McCulloch's "John Adams"; and "Carrier Warfare in Color" by Barrett Tillman-some great color pics of US Navy aircraft.

I also gave in to encroaching age and bought an Optivisor clone for $10.

I had the chance, too, to speak with a gentleman who runs a project to collect and record the memories and experiences of those veterans still living, Aaron Elson. His website is, and it is worth a visit. Look for him to be at other shows here in the East Coast in the future. Very nice fellow, a retired newspaper man, it was very nice to talk with him about his work.

It was well worth the trip. In fact, the only negative was that the ATM in the lobby at Lancaster Host had run out of money by yesterday afternoon, making a dash across busy Route 30 to the Red Roof Inn and back a necessity.

Anyone else who was there, please, let's hear what you thought!

Brad did you buy any figures there to paint? Do you paint anything smaller than 54mm? I paint 54 mm but I found there's a whole lot more variety in 28-30mm figures. I paint 28mm Front Rank and Perry Napoleonics. These are beautiful figures and they're still big enough to make a nice display. I also paint 18mm AB Napoleonics which are some of the best sculpted figures in any size. They look great in massed formations.
Hey, Brad! It was good to see you again at the show. Sorry I didn't get much chance to talk; things were hopping! There was lots of good 54mm representation at a show largely dedicated to smaller scales. We're making definite inroads into their turf!

Hey, Brad! It was good to see you again at the show. Sorry I didn't get much chance to talk; things were hopping! There was lots of good 54mm representation at a show largely dedicated to smaller scales. We're making definite inroads into their turf!


Hi, Ken, I'm glad you're doing well, you've got a great product and a great idea for it.

Next time, I'll sit in on your game, too (as long as I get to be the Hessians!)


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