Collector's Club figures (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Jun 10, 2005
Any suggestions for upcoming CC figures? Here are some of mine:

1) Von Richthofen and Moritz
2) Otto Skorenzy
3) Von Arnim (AK)
4) Kesselring - Italy
5) Ion Antonescu
6) Gunther Prien - U47
7) Von Stauffenberg - upcoming movie

Those are great suggestions. I've been wanting to see a Otto Skorzeny figure or a german glider troop for some time now. How many collectors club figures are done a year? Is it two per year? I dont really know.

Take Care
I would like to suggest the following for Club Figures:
-Lord Kitchener
-Orde Wingate
-A Chindit
-Gurkha from Gallpolli
-Chauvel at Beersheva
-French Foreign Legion from Algerian War (to compliment KC first FFL fig)
-Indian Colonial Soldier from WWI or WWI
-British Para from Falklands
-French Seneglais Tiralleur WWI

Andy, if your reading, this enough German figures, please! The toy soldier market is awash in Germans.

And now for something completely different (ala Python),
And enough of Europe in WWII. I think that the success of John Jenkins is that he found an under represented period and ran with it.

Just my 2cents
Young Churchill
Aussie from Gallipoli
Gurkha from Cassino
US sentry Pearl Harbour

a couple I can think of too add to whats already been posted

Charles Upham
Douglas Bader
Lawrence of Arabia
a couple I can think of too add to whats already been posted

Charles Upham
Douglas Bader
Lawrence of Arabia

I think a figure of Lawrence would be very popular,i think he has a lot of fans on this forum.
I guess certain personalitys or machines transcend military enthusiasts
and register with a lot of people ie lawrence of arabia ,Iwo Jima flag Raising,spitfire etc.
do you reckon the spitfire would count as a personality as even though i,m not a plane guy ,for me no machine personifys ww2 more than that.
Absolutely.Its such a popular iconic machine it's almost alive.It stands as a symbol of excellance,defiance and Victory.With the greatest respect to fans of the P51,i can't think of a plane more loved than the Spit.The right machine at the right moement in History captured the hearts and imagination of a country on the edge of invasion.I tell you Rob even though i was born twenty years after the war,everytime i point to it during my tour of the museum i get a swell of pride,silly i know,but i can't help it!:)

Absolutely.Its such a popular iconic machine it's almost alive.It stands as a symbol of excellance,defiance and Victory.With the greatest respect to fans of the P51,i can't think of a plane more loved than the Spit.The right machine at the right moement in History captured the hearts and imagination of a country on the edge of invasion.I tell you Rob even though i was born twenty years after the war,everytime i point to it during my tour of the museum i get a swell of pride,silly i know,but i can't help it!:)


Not silly. Justifiable pride IMO.


Those are great suggestions. I've been wanting to see a Otto Skorzeny figure or a german glider troop for some time now. How many collectors club figures are done a year? Is it two per year? I dont really know.

Take Care

How about a double set? With leaders and their generals. Stalin-Zuchov, Churchill-Montgemery, Roosevelt-Patton or Hirohito-Yamamoto, etc.

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