[COLOR=Blue]WHATS THE DEAL???[/COLOR] (1 Viewer)

cement shoes

Apr 24, 2005
Whats the deal ???

Just heard about the new BOBA figures, and I have to say I'm pretty disapointed. How many repainted Stugs will K&C release? I was really looking forward to the new American winter armor, expecting an M5 Stuart, maybe an M36 tank destroyer or even an M26 Persching, but not a third Stug within five or six months. I can respect K&C for being resourceful by using old molds to create new pieces, but I don't feel its right to charge a premiem when the tooling has already paid for itself, as in the case of the the WS69 Stug (which has just been reused again), the new winter Tiger and the new British Firefly with figures from the so called retired EA07 Matilda set. I realize there are many paint schemes and varients and that vehicles were captured, repainted, then used by the enemy, but I think its a money grab and a real let down.
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I should probably let Andy answer this but when you see the brochures for coming American BofB you will be very satisfied. The "American" Stug is quite cool and I don't see (and it never entered my mind as a way to grab sales with minimum efforts. It's a very neat looking tank. I don't believe you will see an M 26 because I don't think it saw that much service. I'd like to see it myself. I also don't know how much more BofB we'll get for awhile since Andy will have devoted four releases to it in 2005.

Regarding the British Sherman, I was critical of this and Andy and I had a long discussion about it via email and this past weekend. What K&C UK wanted to do was to reissue the DD 45 for a British Europeand audience but with British markings only. There was never any intent to do a special different British Sherman. I would have loved to see it but that was not in the plans.

So I think you'll be happy with the American issue and I think you're a little harsh in calling this a money grab.
Guys, I like all new vehicles too, and I think you will be happy to hear that Andy told us that ALL OF THE LIMITED EDITIONS FROM NOW ON WILL BE WHOLLY NEW SCULPTING. However, you have to see the the Stug in U.S. markings. It is really cool. It is way better than the two German versions. Andy told us he did it in the markings of the Stug often depicted in photos abandoned by the side of the road at the end of the battle. The figure of PFC A.C. Neilson will look very cool standing next to it on his way from the repple-depple (what the Airborne troops called replacement depos) to the front. As an aside, I like the British markings on the 105mm Sherman. Andy used to do the same thing with the wood Shermans (the only changes being the markings and different machine guns on the top [the U.S. Sherman getting a Ma Deuce 50 caliber machine gun mounted on the rear of the turret, the British getting a 30 caliber mounted in front of the tank commanders hatch]). I make no claim to being an expert, but with the exception of the firefly version with a 17 lb long barrel main gun, weren't the U.S. and British Shermans basically indentical?
I was going to mention what Louis said about the Shermans being similar. They were battlefield green or camouflage. Seeing these were being mass produced, I don't believe there was time or a design to make them stand out differently. Experts may correct me but I think that was the case.
Let me say this about Andy, and Cement Shoes this is not a knock on you, but being around Andy for a couple of days money grabbing is definetly not his style. He started his talk at the get together with the phrase "this is my passion making these soldiers" and listening to him leaves no doubt that it is.
Just attend OTSN and meet Andy, and he is available to everybody and a thought like that will never cross your mind.
By the way the U.S. painted stug really looks nice, but I missed the Pvt. Nielson markings were they on the duffel bag? But I did catch the few days growth of beard on the GI,s.
The OD StuG is historically correct. Pz Brigade 150 had to use them in addition to the modified Panthers. Skorzeny couldn't get enough running Shermans to fill out his outfit, so German armor had to be used.

As far as a Pershing - the Bulge is way too early for them. First batch of T26E3s didn't even get to Europe until Feb of 45.

One good thing, there's still 2006! We may get another tank destroyer or Sherman or some such. I think Andy has a batch of good stuff planned out for the future.

Well, when I heard of another Stug being produced, I was very sceptic. But seeing the pictures changed that: new sculpting, nice figures, ... It's just awesome, and like Louis said, way better than the other two stugs!

BTW, you can see the pictures of all the new sets on the k&C-website.
Just look under the title " Wolf in sheep's clothing"...
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