Comparison of CS Tiger and K&C Tunisian Tiger (1 Viewer)

"I would respectfully disagree. It is this newer paint scheme that has drawn me ,into buying a C.S. Wittman. I am not a nitty gritty kind of collector, myself..Michael"

It's on the way Michael, thanks a lot..........

Recieved my CS Wittman Tiger. Totally happy with the tank, in respect to detail and paint scheme..I actually like the lighter paint touch to this model..The figures are nicely detailed, but still too dark, for my personal tastes. Michael
I wasn't overly impressed with the CS Tigers. Reminded me a lot of the FOV tanks - not bad if they were a lower priced alternative to KC, but not at $160! That's about what I paid for my HB tanks. Maybe it's just a style issue - the markings look horrible in my opinion. CS has made great strides though and I do like the CS Horch. So keep at it.
Well you got to give King & Country some credit. I mean the tank is basically sold out every where except for ebay. I can't wait to see my two tigers that are coming from CS. Anybody got any good suggestions on how well it looks.
This was a nice thread with a nice comparison of the two tanks.

Its always nice when consumers have a choice.

That being said I remain loyal to King & Country, they have introduced new

collectors to the marketplace which has broadened allowing new manufacters

to compete. Andy has never rested on his past accomplishments, offering

new items for collectors monthly......while the new kids on the block accuse

him of stealing their ideas.........nice.

I buy what I like, I've got some great Figarti items, but 95% of my purchases

will go to King & Country as long as Andy doesn't shift his Focus to

"Circus Clowns":eek::D

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