Competition Time Again! (1 Viewer)

Gunn Miniatures

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 18, 2009
Dear All

The last of our orders for TGM007/008 were dispatched today and I would like to apologise for the delay caused by Chinese New Year and the missing cartons of grey Pak’s which finally turned up yesterday. For those of you who waited patiently I thank you and hopefully we will not see a repeat of this again for a very long time!

So once again its competition time and a chance to win one of our new sets which is being released next month. The set in question is called SSW002 ‘The Rocket Men Part 2’ and all you have to do is guess the name of the weapon being used once again. Sounds simple but for those of you who entered the last competition last time, nobody actually put this weapon down in their answer so have a think and let me know what you think it might be. The only clues are its German and its not a vehicle but the biggest clue is in the title of the set. Send me an email if you think you know what the answer is, the winner will be picked out of a hat at the end of the month.

The above release will be restricted to 200 in a winter version and 100 in a paint scheme more suitable for late Autumn 1944 or Spring 1945.

TGM009 ‘Stukas Above’ has been completed and will be released shortly, as its the last of the FJ’s for a while its bound to be popular and is restricted to 200 in a Normandy colour scheme and 100 in a Tropical colour scheme. Pictures to follow shortly within a week or so, sets should be ready for dispatch along with with SS002 at the end of the month!

Regards Tom
OK guys just back from the games and I have to say a great days sport has been had by all plus a lot of drinking! Anyway back to more serious matters like the answers to the competition - well I thought it was easy but then I did know the product being made which probably helped:

Big drum roll

It was a wurfgerat which will comprise of a 2 man team reloading one of the the launchers with 3 other rockets fully primed ready to go. No pictures as I do not want to spoil it for the folks going to the London show, but check it out at Maison Militaire will have it on display (hopefully so long as the post is on time) along with TGM009.

Official pictures next week when the sets ship worldwide.

Regards Tom

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