Congrtulations y Felicitaciones (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
Felicitaciones a todo la puebla Hispana por la eleccion de un Papa de Argentina!

Buen hecho y que Dios le cuide!
I'm glad the new Pope is from the New World, and specifically South America. I was hoping for a Pope from either South America, Africa or Asia. The Church is more vibrant in those regions than it is in Europe and North America.

Prost Unser Franz der Erste, Gott segne ihm und erhalte ihn!
"Obrigado Brad"! As a Latin American I am obviously happy, but looking at the bigger picture as a catholic I also think it was a good move for the Church. Let's hope he conducts his papacy with wisdom and and also develops good relations with all other religions!
The last one struggled quite a bit in different areas especially with the Church mired in the disgusting child abuse allegations scandal, so I hope Pope Francis is much more effective and has great success in his endeavours. Good luck to him.


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