Conte Mexican War US Troops (1 Viewer)


Jan 26, 2008
I took the "New Orleans Grays" from Conte's Alamo series and rechristened them Mexican War US troops. I used just the figures with knapsacks (too bad there are no blanket rolls on top) and gave them a coat of Delta Dreamcoat BLUE JAY and a coat of matte medium. If you've seen my other figures you know I just give the figures a one color coat. The Contes are in that soft plastic which is like a eraser. Flash is tough to deal with as you can see from the photos. The standing firing figure is the best. The kneeling loading figure...not so much. The officer's sword was replaced with a sword pointing forward. I painted him in a darker blue as the period officer's uniform was, contrasting with the sky-blue of the enlisted men's fatigue uniform.

I'm redoing the other "New Orleans Grays" in the series with blanket rolls as Alamo defenders with a coat of gray.





Nice firing line you've got going there Scott. Background dio piece looks pretty neat too.

I sympathise with you re the flash removal for the 'soft' Conte plastic. It is a pain in the backside to remove. I've not found any quick or easy way of doing it, other than using fresh scalpel blades, lots of them, and painstakingly trimming away. I've tried gently running a soldering iron across the flash seams, but have met with mixed success - it's okay on some of the less detailed areas, like legs, but tha still leaves the faces and other delicate parts to trim back.


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