Conte Rev war figures (1 Viewer)


Mar 6, 2008
What happened to the Revolutionary War figures he was going to do? I know there were some samples out. What happened?
There were sample of plastic ones. If that is what you are refrring to.
I still have one. But I do not think they ever "got off the ground" so to speak.
These were schedualed out in 2000. Conte's P.R. excuse was that patriot DVD failed to put in flyers in their DVDs', which was apparetnly a breach in contract!;) However, I don't really see why he didn't just re-advertise the playsets as Battle of ........, any title he wants, he could put it in the blank before. Besides this he also said that the Playset would at long last be out in 2005, 4 years later and counting......:eek: So I will guarantee that these will never see the face of industry, just like the pirate ship. Just my honest opinion.....Vick
Were these figures that molds were made for? How many poses were actually done? As far as the "Patriot"', that movies been gone for years. A Revolutionary War set would have been neat. Maybe some day we'll see some new figures. It's been almost 20 years since the Accurate ones were out. Italeri never did issue the HO ones in a larger scale.
What, Conte not delivering! That's unheard of.
Where are all you Conte worshippers lately?
Have you gone down with the ship?
What, Conte not delivering! That's unheard of.
Where are all you Conte worshippers lately?
Have you gone down with the ship?

Knew it would take you long to tune in Gary and looking forward to my ship making port soon.
Be that as it may, were there ever any figures actually made?
These look more like resin.Are these injection made?
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I have two of each figure, they are the Canadian plastic and a true 54mm non fat bodied figure, quite nice actually take away the plug in arms.
Well the original Airfix are out again because of a new owner. And all the Marx stuff has been issued because someone else has the mold. I suppose anything is possible.

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