Conte's WWII (BOSS), Like them, don’t like them, why? (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Nov 18, 2005
Hey guys,

about the "Bloody Omaha Signature Series" (BOSS), Do you like them, don’t like them, why?

How do they stack up compared to their most recent WWII releases and compared to the other 1/32 scale (NOT 1/30) manufacturers?

Is Conte WWII's series moving in the right direction in terms of quality sculpts and paint treatment and innovation?

They look great to me, but I'm only a plastic collector. I hope all twenty poses make it to plastic. The action looks intense, the facial expressions tell the story. If I could afford them, I would buy them. Mike.
Absolutley love Contes plastic, will not buy any more of his metal.
Poses? Like 'em! Prices? Don't like 'em!

The sculpting and poses are great. I really hope that RC brings these out in plastic, too. I would buy several sets. The metal is just too pricey, especially when most of the figures are dead/wounded/dying.

By the way - this is supposed to be Omaha Beach. The troops are dying right off the ramps of the landing craft - where are the M1926 life belt? Where are the assault gas masks? Where are the gas-detector brassards? The boys on the beach were loaded with a variety of extra gear, and some of it was specific to that day and time. The gas masks, life belts, etc disappeared soon after landing, but some of that stuff should be seen on the beach with them! Look at some of the Ranger sets from K&C - they are carrying their gasmask kits because they haven't had time to dump them.

Gary (picky as ever)
I think the lack of extra assault landing gear is so that you COULD use the figures for your other set ups, Street fights, Hedgerows whatever.I recall Conte mentioning that somewhere.None of the plastics for the Omaha Beach sets have the gear either.Very nice stuf overall in my opinain but then I like just about everything from everywhere.
yes, like them alot, still a bit too dark on the painting, but Conte addressed this stating for the period look thats what they were after, just as he stated the lack of extra gear to be able to use figures elsewhere.

agree with binder about pricing, a bit up there

Conte's new releases with sculpting and painting are improving dramatically, just look at the new SOS (size issue aside LOL) and the new Vikings, they haven't shown us the paint on the next wave of spartans but the sculpts are definately out of this world.
I think the BOSS stuff is OK. The facial expressions are differnet but these guys are being murdered they are not a bunch of re-enactors on a Sunday afternoon. These are true works of art in that they are trying to capture emotion. It must have been terrifying to jump out of a landing craft and rush onto a beach whilst machine gun fire was raking it. I am sure coprses must have been lying in tormented postions. If conte is guilty of anything it of representing war honestly. I have some of his recent WWII stuff ( Hedgegrow fighting and house clearing). It is all dark stuff. I like it. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but at least he tries to break the mould every so often
I think the BOSS stuff is OK. The facial expressions are differnet but these guys are being murdered they are not a bunch of re-enactors on a Sunday afternoon. These are true works of art in that they are trying to capture emotion. It must have been terrifying to jump out of a landing craft and rush onto a beach whilst machine gun fire was raking it. I am sure coprses must have been lying in tormented postions. If conte is guilty of anything it of representing war honestly. I have some of his recent WWII stuff ( Hedgegrow fighting and house clearing). It is all dark stuff. I like it. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but at least he tries to break the mould every so often

I agree with all that you have said and I do like the facial expressions. Yes it is dark, but look at the poses and you can imagine why.
The only thing that lets these down IMO is the painting. It's OK on the US forces (black face outlines aside), but some of the German Camo paint is not up to what it should be. I've got the 2 x Caught in the Crossfire sets and the Sniper set and will be stripping the figures and repainting them, when I get the chance.

I don't have the German stuff so cannot comment.
Someone should write to Conte and ask them to release unpainted metal figs. This way all the people who like to paint, could do it themselves. I would like to see the new GI's come unassembled, as a converter it would save me tons of time. Also I could paint the hard to get areas better. I would even pay the same price for them. Some time this summer, the painted GI's are going to be released. If you don't like the paint jobs, don't buy them. If you don't like whats on the tube, don't watch it. I said this before, Conte are second to none on their poses and the variety of their eras. What other company releases 27 poses at one time? They are worth the wait everytime. I can only imagine what the next sets of Germans are going to look like. Then wait and see the Marines and Japaneese in the future. We will all be drooling I'm sure. The thing I like about Conte is, RC does listen to his customers. He trys to please the masses, the thing is you can never make everyone happy. So if we have to repaint or repostion some of our figs, big deal their still the best. Mike.:)
I will still carry on getting Conte stuff, very definately. As has been said, the poses are second to none (IMO), and the sculpting is to a very high standard.
Conte is what I play around with and enjoy setting up. And because they are THE premier company where it comes to plastics, this makes for the great conversion possibilities.

modwalls makes an interesting point about getting the Conte GIs "unassembled". I've just spent a couple hours of my Easter afternoon cutting up a bunch of figures for conversions. The unassembled would save time.

I agree that Conte has terrific products (when they finally show up). I have a "hobby within a hobby" just doing conversions for myself and another forum member. The darn things are just addictive. You cut up a couple and start seeing the possibilities andthen you slice-and-dice a couple dozen and get into serious rearrangement (or is that derangement?).

I'm looking forward to the next TSSD sets to go with them (and to move into conversions for the fall/winter like the TSSD heavy weapons set)

Still hoping the BOSS sets show up in plastic, too! Just think - more arms, legs etc!

The Ken Osen sculpted GIs are available in unpainted, unassembled metal.
They can be found either on the ONTC site or under new releases on Valiant Miniatures site:

The persian sculpts and the Viking stuff look very good. They are also unusual choices of subject matter. That is waht appeals to me. I realize WWII is popular but I don't want to collect every single piece of armour or artillery from that conflict. The Vikings besieged Paris in 800 AD and it was a full on siege battering rams, war machines the whole lot. I also like to Monks runnig away and the Celtic crosses.
I suppose it will be ready sometime before the Bejing Olympics
I love all of Conte's stuff, what I don't like is the long wait to get them.
Agreed. Conte is on top for poses, imagination, and variety of the figures they produce. A Conte Fan! Greg
I like the plastic guys better than the metal ones. I bought all the WWII plastic figures for my son to play with and he loves them. It reminds me of when I was little playing with the army guys in the sandbox. ;)

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