Conversion of 1/32 French Carabiniers to Grenadiers (1 Viewer)


Mar 4, 2011
I saw a photo on the HaT Blog where someone repainted the French Carabiniers as Grenadiers. Anyone tried this here?

It looked like just a bit of brass paint on the bearskin made a good Grenadier hat. I cannot tell about the leggings though. The conversion had the long black gaiters and it is unclear whether this was just painted on over the boot style leggings of the Light Infantry or whether carving is necessary. I have some Carabiniers on order so I am looking for advice.
Depending on how close you want to look at the figure paint conversions can often be used to change things such as gaiters and boots. Where the detailing is light I've managed to put an extra coat of paint to lengthen boots or "convert" a troop with gaiters to trousers. I always let each coat dry thoroughly before adding the next and make sure I put a good dab of sealant over it when it's totally dry. Each figure and project is different depending on sculpting, etc.; but it's doable.

I did some of their Wurtemburg Jaegers as Mexican Grenadiers with paint conversions, they're on the 1/32 HaT site somewhere.

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