Converting K&C Sailor to Sand Pebbles Steve McQueen (2 Viewers)


Mar 4, 2011
Is it possible to convert the retired King & Country Retired Sailor DD131, who is standing with the WW2 helmet, chambray shirt, and dungarees to a Sand Pebbles figure by switching the helmeted head to a dixie cup head from one of their China Sailors figures? Since the 131 figure has the holstered 1911 and a web belt, it sure looks close to Steve McQueen in the movie.

That sure is a long sentence but I wonder if anyone has or could do this?
Is it possible to convert the retired King & Country Retired Sailor DD131, who is standing with the WW2 helmet, chambray shirt, and dungarees to a Sand Pebbles figure by switching the helmeted head to a dixie cup head from one of their China Sailors figures? Since the 131 figure has the holstered 1911 and a web belt, it sure looks close to Steve McQueen in the movie.

That sure is a long sentence but I wonder if anyone has or could do this?

Sounds like that might be right up Kilted Vampire's Street.

And if a converter was very careful - he might just be able to swap heads with the "donor figure" ( the one donating the new head) - and replace it with the old head removed from the figure being converted. You would therefore have TWO NEW figures - by just swapping over heads.

I think he 's in San Francisco - why not ask him by sending KV a Private message???? jb
Actually, it would be more appropriate for a Sand Pebbles sailors to wear a WW1 tin hat . . .

Bosun Al
I have seen some 25-28mm US Marines with the tin helmet repainted as US Navy with the chambray shirt and blue dungarees instead of the Marine khaki.

Maybe a simple paint job over the KC Marine figures would work. The main issue would probably be the epaulets on the khaki shirt.

I suppose any conversion of these figures would be considered horrifying to some, but it was quite popular to convert the old Britains figures years ago.
And another thought. Swapping the dixie head of the sailor for the tin helmet of the US Marine would give 2 great figures for the gunboat era, as suggested by johnnybach. A sailor in undress whites with the helmet, and a repainted US Marine in chambray, dungarees, and a dixie cup hat.
I say go for it and change the heads for sure, if you don't you wont like the figure when completed.

Sounds like that might be right up Kilted Vampire's Street.

And if a converter was very careful - he might just be able to swap heads with the "donor figure" ( the one donating the new head) - and replace it with the old head removed from the figure being converted. You would therefore have TWO NEW figures - by just swapping over heads.

I think he 's in San Francisco - why not ask him by sending KV a Private message???? jb

Thanks I am across the bay on an Island. You know where they kept the Nuclear Wessels!WWI WIP.jpg

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