Coronation Procession 1953 (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Aug 15, 2007
As mentioned previously here is the procession details taken from a souvenir programme of the day. The writing is minute but I hope it is discernable, any problems I will try to clarify. Trooper


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Ignore the picture of the Household Cavalry on preceeding item. This is an image of the musical ride, swords,not lances, were carried in the procession. Trooper


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Hi Scott - did you manage to get a copy that could be read in its entirety? I can make out some main headings, but much of the nitty-gritty is a bit too small to be legible - as trooper feared it might be. If you have got one - any chance of you posting? I too, would love to have a copy - if possible.

I guess it would be possible - as Britains appear to have done - to take out a "Chunk" from the procession - and concentrate on that. Another option might be to make up a "representative amount" of each section (say) ten of each marching contingent.

Got me thinking, anyway. johnnybach:salute::
Trooper kindly sent me the booklet to copy and then return back to him when finished, I am still waiting to receive it, I could make you a copy if you wish.

I think the cost and space requirements would prohibit a full 1:32 procession. I read on the Royal website the foot soldiers were 10 men across and the mounted regiments were 6.

Thats a lot of figures :eek: But what a sight it would be. One regiment at a time I guess. :salute::^&grin
I'm too ancient to even consider the whole thing.

One way it could be done - is if a group of people decided to do it as a combined op.
Then each person would be responsible for a section of the whole thing. Maybe there already exists the bulk of it - out there in the membership. I don't know HOW it could be assembled from (say) loans of sections - but it COULD be done that way.

Would be a helluva sight to see though. johnnybach
Hi Scott. Had another idea re Coronation Parade.

Why not ask members of the forum if they have elements of the parade - and ask them to "post" their elements in picture form on a thread - which could then form a "VIRTUAL" parade. If someone could be persuaded to put all of the pictures in the correct order later - Treefrog Forum would then have a Virtual Coronation Parade to show? Best of all - it wouldn't cost anything. Any things missing - could be the basis of projects for people to do - to fill in any gaps. I would definitely like that!

Do you think that might work? johnnybach
Hi Scott. Had another idea re Coronation Parade.

Why not ask members of the forum if they have elements of the parade - and ask them to "post" their elements in picture form on a thread - which could then form a "VIRTUAL" parade. If someone could be persuaded to put all of the pictures in the correct order later - Treefrog Forum would then have a Virtual Coronation Parade to show? Best of all - it wouldn't cost anything. Any things missing - could be the basis of projects for people to do - to fill in any gaps. I would definitely like that!

Do you think that might work? johnnybach

Sounds like a feasible project jb. Only person I know of that has the Britains set is Michel (who owns the Alma range)

May be worth looking into though.

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