Couldn't resist. (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Aug 3, 2008
I got this photo today and just couldn't resist posting it.

Not necessarily a toy soldier or war forum photo, but these guys were there through most of them.

I was going to put it in "Which forum general do you respect the most?"............................


A better bunch.....from the same artist.


All Vets 'cept for Clinton FDR and Wilson. FDR and Wilson won as C in C.
I like a mixed portrait of some from column A and some from Column B. I've lived through them all since Eisenhower.
You would have thought Clinton and Kennedy would have had their girlfriends with them.
No women allowed on "poker" night Gary,

unless Clinton misunderstood the definition of "poker" night. :eek:

Well .......Harry Truman was a one woman man and a kick @$$ soldier. So was Jackson. Wilson dated in the White House.

The artist was smart to cover both parties.
I'll take the republicans and trade Ike for Truman. Ike was a good general but a poor president.
I was asked to change my "political" signiture after complains to the moderator. I'm not going to to do that.

I was asked to change my "political" signiture after complains to the moderator. I'm not going to to do that.



Very little offends me, especially politics, race and religion, this is America.

Like, follow and believe in what you want.

There was a stink over my signiture which some folks found very offensive even though it was funny. This is the United States but there are usually forum rules. The member should change this avatar. There is no "truth" or humor to it.

"2. No Offensive Content: Do not use profanity, racial, ethnic, religious, or other slurs, or post pornography or any other offensive material. We'd like for our members and guests to all feel comfortable here and to be able to visit the site at work and share it with friends and family without issue. Also please avoid discussion of current political issues (see Respect for Other Members)."
As much as I respect Teddy, why is he in the painting?

Was he President during the Spanish American War or is for the little Cuban excursion?

Can somebody do a post on the politics of the Rough Riders? I am really curious why Teddy felt the need to create a small military action.
There was a stink over my signiture which some folks found very offensive even though it was funny. This is the United States but there are usually forum rules. The member should change this avatar. There is no "truth" or humor to it.

"2. No Offensive Content: Do not use profanity, racial, ethnic, religious, or other slurs, or post pornography or any other offensive material. We'd like for our members and guests to all feel comfortable here and to be able to visit the site at work and share it with friends and family without issue. Also please avoid discussion of current political issues (see Respect for Other Members)."

Maybe they found it offensive because of the inaccuracy of that line. It should say, "Socialism", not "Communism". I don't think he can be described as a communist, so it's not accurate. :D

BTW, didn't offend me, I had to really squint to read it.
I have found out, in my brief period on this earth, that it's usually best to avoid converstions with friends or strangers concerning, politics, religion and race.

They can usually turn into heated arguements and destroy friendships or potential friendships.

This is America, but this is also the Treefrog's forum.

Their game, their rules.

Must abide.

"He who has the forum, makes the rules."

Regardless, hardly anyone, rarely offends me unless they try to make it a "personal shot".


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