Country Honor Roman Catapult (1 Viewer)

Thanks for the photo Horus. The Ballista looks very good and so does the figure. The only problem I see is the height of the Ballista above the base as it is too low. A Ballista would have more elevation; but the base is accurate except for the height. The Ballista can be used with Greek, Macedonian and Carthaginian forces as well as Roman. The model is quite accurate and superior to many prior Toy soldier releases IMO. The Elastolin model is the only one I have seen as accurate as this. plus one very expensive Aero Art model.
Let us know the quality......

Yes I certainly will !:)

Thanks for the photo Horus. The Ballista looks very good and so does the figure. The only problem I see is the height of the Ballista above the base as it is too low. A Ballista would have more elevation; but the base is accurate except for the height. The Ballista can be used with Greek, Macedonian and Carthaginian forces as well as Roman. The model is quite accurate and superior to many prior Toy soldier releases IMO. The Elastolin model is the only one I have seen as accurate as this. plus one very expensive Aero Art model.

Yes I agree, as you say base is a bit low, but assuming I'm happy with it overall, I can if I wish make a higher one as that I think will be the doable part to copy / alter with some degree of success and it's affordable to me, unlike the Russian one. Beautiful though it is.

May be a copy; but the question is whose product is copied? The only similar model of a Ballista is a Russian model, which shows up on eBay for over $1000.00! Heck these days everyone is copying everyone. The Russians copy Andrea and than someone copies the Russians. Around and around it goes.
Let us know the quality......

So it arrived today, so pretty quick delivery from China and well packed.

Outer box plain silver in colour cardboard with a cut out picture stuck on top slightly crookedly.
Protective packing in box is excellent.

The figure that came with the Ballista is about a millimetre taller than a Thomas Gunn Roman, Helmet cheek pieces not as well modelled as TG. But considering price, as long as he isn't in the front rank of the parade he'll do fine !
Baldrick on opposite side to TG, Just depends on which time period you want to represent as they did both I believe.

Ballista / Catapult itself is a little on the light side more of a plastic weight then heavy resin. Similar material I'd say to a TG Jeep.
The elevation on it can be altered un and down.
It is a shame that it can't be elevated higher on it's base. Sorry I can't think of the technical names but on the underside of it, there are the little notches and block for elevating it higher oddly enough, as if the original idea was to have a higher base.
If someone wants to take some time and effort it would be quite possible to construct a taller base to achieve the higher elevation. Unfortunately this is not separate from the Ballista

Am I glad I bought it. Yes !
All I need now is a city to lay siege to !

A better example of a Ballista is the Conte VA002 available on eBay for $69.00! The height is correct and the detail is superior to the Country Home model IMO.
A better example of a Ballista is the Conte VA002 available on eBay for $69.00! The height is correct and the detail is superior to the Country Home model IMO.


The Conte one looks quite good. Though it is a smaller Bolt firing Ballista as opposed to a larger stone throwing one which the CH one is.

Also perhaps a good price for you, not for me !
The one I purchased was $72 postage included with no custom fees and no Post office fee.

The Conte one for me would be $69.99 +$ 54.15 Postage and then add 20% VAT and the £8 PO fee I'd have to pay as well. So you see for me to buy the Conte one is over double the amount !


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