One of my worst was as a letter carrier. Took the civil service exam when I
got out of college and got a job in my home town as a mailman. I was 21,
every morning we stood at our desks which actually had a slot for each
address and they brought us piles of mail for our route to place in the slots.
When all your mail was sorted you took about 200 letters and put a leather
strap around it and tossed it into a bag. Each route had 1 mailbag full of mail
and usually 3 bags dropped in the old green solid mailboxes along the routes
to stock up. You usually did two mail bags had lunch and finished the last
two. Started at 7am sorted till 9 or 9:30 walked your route till 12:30 half
hour for lunch....then 3 more hours walking and back to punch out at 4:15.
Now mind are civil service and you cannot be fired unless you
steal or throw away the mail (hey mail guys snap when the samples show
up. They bring you 10,000 mini bars of soap to deliver "take a sack a day
out" just when you finish here comes mini bottles of mouthwash!)
So the Post Office figured out how to keep everyone scared. They have
secret entrances into the Post Office with stairways that lead to viewing
galleries. These have one way viewing slots so you can't tell when you are
being watched!! Check it out next time you are at your local Post Office.
You will still see the sorting tables with slots and if you look up you will see
the viewing ports. Anyway when ever a strange car was in the back parking
lot the supervisors (actually Nija trained cause they could sneak up behind
you) would come around and warn us "No talking!.....The Postal Inspectors
could be watching".....all the workers were so brow beaten they would panic.
They also had a bell system that was not to be believed! At 7am a LONG
LOUD BELL rang that made you feel like you were on an attack submarine!
This was your report to work station bell followed by a "No talking" warning.
8am brought another Blast from hell......"15 minute break we recommend you
keep sorting" 8:15 another ear piercing back to work blast. 9am the Pack up
and move out blast....followed by a blast every 15 minutes until the last
straggler (usually me) had left the building. If you spoke (God forbid) to your
neighbor (each desk is aprox 15 feet apart perfect no conversation distance)
the Nija supervisors from hell would be behind one of your ears to remind
you "No talking"
Into this perfect world we introduce a 21 year old wiseguy with an attitude.
Perfect match. I don't know anybody so I'm sorting my mail minding my own
business but I keep hearing conversations.....pretty soon I realize my nearest
neighbor maybe 26 or 27 is talking to me while looking straight ahead and
sorting. So I walk over to him and ask him what he wants? Without ever
looking at me he warns me to get back to my desk!! Out of nowhere the Nija
Supervisor one Walter Winning (the original fellow with the bulging eyes that
went in two different directions) was on me. He got right in my face and was
so excited I could hardly understand him. Something about the Postal
Inspectors, work stations, United Nations Peace Accords, who could tell?
Me I was just looking at the two bulging eyes and trying to figure out which
one exactly was looking at me? My eyes started to tear as I could not get
each one to focus seperatly on his....mine tended to stay in the same
direction fortunately. Okay, Okay I said and went back to sorting mail.
Then the dam bells went off I thought it was a fire drill or something and
all the guys got out their little lunch pails and poured a cup of coffee again
looking straight ahead. My neighbor again started with the conversation so
I walked over and we repeated the eariler lesson with me mentioning
something about a break and Walter reminding me I really should be sorting.
This went on for a week or so, and I realized everone was having the
straight ahead conversations like a group of ventriliquests.
I somehow couldn't master the art of throwing my voice so when asked a
question I would simply walk over and answer when Walter appeared after
the usual verbal barage one day I asked him if I wasn't civil service? "Yes"
he said, I asked him if I could be fired?? And he said "Not for talking...but I
could be written up" I asked Wally (My name is Walter) how many write ups
for talking would get me fired.......and he said "Well you can't be fired for
talking" So I asked him to go and get his pad.....and bring a thick one. As
you can imagine we became Pals.
Now I was never a big talker cause frankly most of the guys were kind of they were going to snap. Every now and then a story would
circulate that someone had been "retired" because the Postal Inspectors
caught him throwing samples down the sewer.....or putting bags of them in
a dumpster. What a nice to your mailman believe me they
go through hell. I always give mine a nice tip at christmas, and I know his
What happen to my Postal Career you ask? Did I get the 30 year pin??
Actually I almost got the 3 month carnation.......I came in one Friday about
an hour late. They had me subing two different routes. Wally was waiting
both eyes in Full Bulge......I think I saw a tiny wiff of steam coming out of
one of his ears! Man did he get in my eyes started tearing up
just trying to follow along. I remember I stretched out my right arm and held
up two fingers.....I knew one eye was looking at me.....I wanted to see if the
other one would didn't
Wally said......"This isn't working out"! I agreed.
Wally said......I could submit my resignation and when they found a
replacement I could leave.
"Interesting concept" I said....."How about I quit"
Wally reminds me I can't quit......I'm Civil Service (never quite figured out
what exactly that ment)
I pointed to the door and told Wally I was never steping through it again,
if I couln't quit then he could just mail me my checks.
Wally seemed perplexed he told me I had to resign.........I said bye.....he
asked me if I would sign a resignation if he typed one up real quick!
I said sure if you have it done by the time I reach the door, he must have
had it ready!
Best move I ever made!