Crimbo Wargame 2023. (1 Viewer)

Von Richter.

Apr 10, 2019
Last year it was revealed that Santa is in fact, a Timelord, his Tardis travelling in the disguise of a sleigh. All makes sense now, dunnit, the jovial man in the red suit who can visit every kid in the world, in one night?
Bad news is, Davros and his demented pepperpots have discovered this too! The Evil Overlord of the Daleks has hatched a dastardly, to ruin every child on Earth's Crimbo. A Dalek patrol being dispatched to Lapland to steal Santa's Tardis! The Patrol Leader is back aboard the Dalek mothership with his report...

"Let me get this right," hissed Davros with incredible venom.

"You've lost my Santa's sleigh on Skaro!?"

"That is correct, Master!"

The Patrol Leader replied, with the nearest thing to a trace of fear, these vile creatures are capable of.

"We parked up where you commanded on Skaro. I was about to report, when Santa's Tardis dematerialised in front of us!"

Davros cogitated for a moment, then issued his orders.

"Dalek Supreme, set course for Skaro, instantly. We must locate the Sleigh and destroy it. This may work in our favour, that other interfering busybody's bound to turn up to save Earth, as usual. Wot a Crimbo prezzie for you, my children, when I order you to exterminate The Doctor!"

"We Obey!!!"

Davros' prediction was indeed bang on the money. Santa and his rescue squad, transmatting the same moment as Davros and his minions. The Doctor parking his Tardis in deep cover...

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The Doctor arrives too, parking his Tardis in deep cover...

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As usual the Brigadier throws caution to the wind, with Flash bounding at heels he races to investigate a Crimo pud, and is surrounded by squarking pepperpots. Four exterminators blast as one blowing the Brigadier off his feet! Luckily, both he and the dog are wearing the recently invented Dalekinium body armour. Clambering to his feet the Brigadier and Flash make a wise tactical withdrawal.

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Davros legs it in pursuit. His blaster is a fish of a very different kettle, even at extreme range, he exterminates both the U.N.I.T. Heroes!

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Luckily there's a Doctor in the house. The TARDIS materialises and the Doctor whisks the Brigadier and Flash into it's sickbay.

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Further afield Zeg, an Imperial Guard Red Dalek, moves to check a different Crimbo pud. U.N.I.T.'s Dreadnought Dalek advances and stuns Zeg.

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Enraged, Zeg exterminates both the Dreadnought and Santa!
Zeg pauses to gloat at his victory, a fatal error. He doesn't spot a Crimbo prezzie drone who waddles up, detonates, taking the Imperial Guard Dalek out of the fight.


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Alerted to the drone threat, more Daleks toddle up and a brisk firefight quickly develops...The drones are soon exterminated, but not before claiming another victim!​


Over on the other flank, two of Santa's Snowmen get a nasty surprise...a Skelly astronaut popping out of the Crimbo pud house! The Skelly kills one Snowman, but falls, shot by the second one.


Oh, oh! This looks like bad news for somebody!!!

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But after three cream teas in the Crimbo Pud Tearooms, the Cybermen transmatt on their way.

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The weapons of Santa's little helpers are no match for Dalek blasters.

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With all opposition exterminated, the Daleks discover Santa's TARDIS hidden behind the Igloo!

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"Victory is mine, my children!"​

Croaks a gloating Davros as the sled is dragged to his transmatt machine.


But then comes a sound, even the Daleks call 'the oncoming storm' echoing across the snow fields! Out of the Tardis steps both the Doctor and a regenerated Santa!


Dalek blasters open fire maniacally, the Doctor smiles, as the TARDIS force field sends the beams ricocheting in every direction.​
"Not happening Davros."

Explains the Doctor.

"It's Christmas Eve, and we're going to be very busy!"


Both the Doctor's and Santa's time machines dematerialise.
Leaving the snow falling gently on a stunned, silent Davros and his evil pepperpots.


The Doctor has once again saved Crimbo!!!

* * * * * *

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