Crimean Figures (1 Viewer)


Aug 14, 2007
Is there a reason why the Crimean figures are 45 for a single, is it because there imported?

The Crimean as an Exclusive to us at K&C UK we have had to pay for all the design development and production of the range. This automatically makes the price jump a little higher than normal.

With TREEFROG being our US MAIN dealer of the K&C UK Crimean range they unfortunatly have to take into account the various extra prices that have to be inccured.

Shannon and Mandi were saying to me the other day though that it is selling well.


After this latest batch of the charge will there be another 1 or 2 waves of charge releases or will you head somewhere else in the Crimea?

Hi Andy

this is the sorta plan!

we will be moving all over the crimean campaign and even in time introduce limited editions etc. 3rd wave already being designed has moved away from the charge.......not entirly! so ach time a battle is done it will open with enough figures to depict the scene then we will move away to another battle and just add the ones and twos to the previous. It is important to stress that we will not be leaving a battle alone iethe charge in wave three has acouple of figures but there is an opener to another with 6!

Limited editions?.Sounds interesting.:)


December 2008 you will see a limited edition. Myself and Andy will work on the design concept for it early next year. We have already spoke about it and have a great idea.

Andy has some great ideas for the June 2008 release that we worked through in his office the other week. So it just gets better and better.

Sounds excellant Tony,can't wait to see our the series develops.


Sounds like you and Andy are now in competition to see who can empty my wallet first. :D:D

Sounds like you and Andy are now in competition to see who can empty my wallet first. :D:D

They can't lose can they!. They will both be at the London show so it looks like i won't have the train fare to get home!:D.

The thing i like guys is working with Andy as he is so enthusiastic (spelling sorry) about what he does and we get quite excited when we talk about the future of the Crimean range.

the SL idea is going to be awesome
Well the range so far has been beautiful. I can't imagine the SL will be anything but spectacular.
They can't lose can they!. They will both be at the London show so it looks like i won't have the train fare to get home!:D.


Keep the train fare in your shoe and leave the deed to the house at home. :D:D
Keep the train fare in your shoe and leave the deed to the house at home. :D:D

Good advice Jim:D ,i also now know to stockpile some money next December for the Ltd edition.(theres probably going to be twelve months of people trying to guess what it is!!!:eek:)


There are no major secrets now the range is out. The December releases will be for talking about in June (ish) time. Along with the rest of the December 08 release

Guys the 2nd wave of Crimean left HK today and will be in the UK on Monday.

Orders will go out Tuesday.

Main thing is they will be at London

Can't wait to see them all set up together in London Tony.


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