I had a nice visit to Fort Necessity. Quite a bit of history associated with this small place and battle. Just wish I had more time to follow the other battles up to Pittsburg, but its a long drive for one day. The new visitor center is great. I understand it is a substantial improvement over whatever was there before. Lots of exhibits, a film, and bookstore. The "Fort" seems to have been located in about the most indefensible position possible. On a flat field surrounded by hills and trees. The place must have had a profound impact on George Washington since he actually purchased the land and held onto it until his death. The whole thing impresses upon me how much we need a George Washington figure in the JJ French/Indian line. THAT'S A MUST!
I also found Gen. Braddock's grave. Not too hard since it is visible from the main road. He seemed to be in agreement that I should get set #1 of the upcoming "Death of Braddock" set for making the trip or at least he expressed no objections. There is an impressive resort in the area if anyone wants to make a long weekend of it. I was a bit disappointed with how few visitors there were on a beautiful weekend day.