Crucible of War (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Jun 10, 2005
This is one of the better books about the Seven Years War. I find it more interesting now that I have started collecting JJ figures. It was written by Fred Anderson. BTW - Some of you appear to converse with Jenkins from time to time. It might be nice to invite him onto the forum.
Another good book on the subject by Frd Anderson is "The War That Made America-A Short History of the French and Indian War." It's probably much like "Cruicable of War" only shorter. However, the definitive work is still Parkman's "Montcalm and Wolfe." Best regards to all.
PS-Thanks for the Gettysburg advice. We're going to do the battlefield on horseback.
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After reading this book, I'm really looking forward to the upcoming Virginia Regiment sets and hopefully a George Washington figure.
This is one of the better books about the Seven Years War. I find it more interesting now that I have started collecting JJ figures. It was written by Fred Anderson. BTW - Some of you appear to converse with Jenkins from time to time. It might be nice to invite him onto the forum.

I was in contact with John Jenkins at the end of February and I have personally invited himto join the forum any time he wishes. He does visit the forum as a guest but is not quite ready to join. He was quite pleased and surprised to find a forum area devoted to his figures.

I'm taking a trip out to Fort Necessity and Braddocks grave tomorrow. Its near Uniontown, PA about 2 1/2 hrs. from Gettysburg.
I'm taking a trip out to Fort Necessity and Braddocks grave tomorrow. Its near Uniontown, PA about 2 1/2 hrs. from Gettysburg.

Fort Necessity is one of my most favorite places to visit. I haven’t been there since they built the new visitor center. Please let me know how it is. Here is one of my pictures of the fort. I also have some pictures of the 250th anniversary. I just cant find them right now.

I had a nice visit to Fort Necessity. Quite a bit of history associated with this small place and battle. Just wish I had more time to follow the other battles up to Pittsburg, but its a long drive for one day. The new visitor center is great. I understand it is a substantial improvement over whatever was there before. Lots of exhibits, a film, and bookstore. The "Fort" seems to have been located in about the most indefensible position possible. On a flat field surrounded by hills and trees. The place must have had a profound impact on George Washington since he actually purchased the land and held onto it until his death. The whole thing impresses upon me how much we need a George Washington figure in the JJ French/Indian line. THAT'S A MUST!

I also found Gen. Braddock's grave. Not too hard since it is visible from the main road. He seemed to be in agreement that I should get set #1 of the upcoming "Death of Braddock" set for making the trip or at least he expressed no objections. There is an impressive resort in the area if anyone wants to make a long weekend of it. I was a bit disappointed with how few visitors there were on a beautiful weekend day.
Were you able to get any photos of Braddock's rave that you could post?
I diorama of Fort Necessity would make a really cool display for Jenkin's excellent figures.
The first playset I was ever commissioned to make for FIW was Fort Necessity and so I had to research it a fair bit. In terms of a good place for a fort only George Washington seemed to think it was a good spot- everyone else felt that putting a fort on low ground surrounded by hills to the north was bad enough but to choose a flood plain was crazy as everything was wet at the time lol. :D

I would love to see more pics if you have them- living out here in the Western provinces of Canada everything out east is a bit of a mystery in regards to the major battle sites.
Here is a link to my online photo album. I have images of fort necessity, Braddock’s grave, Monongahela and many other sites. Most of the French and Indian war site are on the bottom of the page.

Some great pictures! I have the old fashioned camera that requires getting them developed, but I think you have covered it. Here is a website link for anyone interested in visiting Fort Necessity:

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