CTS Korean War US Marines (1 Viewer)

CTS has now released the Korean War US Marines:

I got mine yesterday. On a rating one to ten these are a five. Very disappointed. They are very chunky and larger than TSSD winter GI's. They will fit but again larger. One example, the officer is holding what I would suspect is suppose to be an m-1 carbine. It looks like an m-14. I'm not saying don't buy them just that they are not what I was hoping for.
I got mine yesterday. On a rating one to ten these are a five. Very disappointed. They are very chunky and larger than TSSD winter GI's. They will fit but again larger. One example, the officer is holding what I would suspect is suppose to be an m-1 carbine. It looks like an m-14. I'm not saying don't buy them just that they are not what I was hoping for.

I'm going to throw in my two cents as well. I got mine today. I must say I am shocked. They are so chunky that I don't think they will fit with anything. They certainly do not fit with their adversaries, the CTS Chinese. I thought they might go well with Ex Force GI's (this is much worse than the Ex Force GI debacle from a few years ago), but they are too chunky even for them. I think the sculptor was trying to make the guys look like they were a bit chunky because they were all bundled up against the cold. Fine. but everything else was then chunky, even out of proportion. One guy's fist and pistol were so big that they covered an entire Chinese figure's face. Nice poses and sculpts, but way out of proportion. Too bad.
I'm going to throw in my two cents as well. I got mine today. I must say I am shocked. They are so chunky that I don't think they will fit with anything. They certainly do not fit with their adversaries, the CTS Chinese. I thought they might go well with Ex Force GI's (this is much worse than the Ex Force GI debacle from a few years ago), but they are too chunky even for them. I think the sculptor was trying to make the guys look like they were a bit chunky because they were all bundled up against the cold. Fine. but everything else was then chunky, even out of proportion. One guy's fist and pistol were so big that they covered an entire Chinese figure's face. Nice poses and sculpts, but way out of proportion. Too bad.
That's it in a nutshell. These are way, way too large. Don't know what happened, can't figure why CTS would have allowed these to be put out there Don't they get test shots first? How did these pass muster? They won't sell. So, it will be back to using the TSSD and CTS world war 2 sets instead of these. Too bad indeed.
I was planning to purchase this set, however, given what has been said on this forum and on the Hobbybunker forum, I will not. Too bad, I was looking forward to painting them and mixing them with the NKs.
I was planning to purchase this set, however, given what has been said on this forum and on the Hobbybunker forum, I will not. Too bad, I was looking forward to painting them and mixing them with the NKs.
It's really unfortunate, I have mixed feelings regarding CTS on these. I'm truly sorry that these will likely be a failure as CTS has made some great figures for over 25 years. But I'm somewhat ticked off at them for producing these, they should have sent them back to be re-worked, I can't imagine the owners got test shots and approved them. Don't know all the factors but why put out a faulty product? Compare these to the Chinese and NK, it's a ridiculous difference, these look like their steroids were on steroids.
I have painted some of the American CTS WWII soldiers for my son to play with. They were a pleasure to painted and I liked the detail. The Korean war Marines are a real disappointment.
I have painted some of the American CTS WWII soldiers for my son to play with. They were a pleasure to painted and I liked the detail. The Korean war Marines are a real disappointment.
Yes, and I take no satisfaction in saying that either. T
hey have given us so many good sets for over 25 plus years. Their Alamo Mexicans, their Japanese WW2, Hessians, WW2 Germans with medical and WW2 US were great. A few missteps in the past as all makers have had. But these marines are the first misstep they have had in a long, long time. I would think their only option now is to try to do another set, maybe 12 poses with ROK poses included and they would salvage their Korean War line. That might not be an option at this point. We will have to wait and see.

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