Cuirassier (1 Viewer)


Sep 10, 2008
Another smaller project just for relaxation...

To be made from discarded parts, as usual. I could not find a suitable 1/32 head, so opted for a 1/24 woman's head to fit into the 1/30 helmet. BTW, the Airfix cuirass is 1/32 but is slightly bigger than the Historex 1/30 counterpart. Go figure...hahaha.

Horse head was snipped off letfover from one of the Ruben's Gemini twins horse.

This should be 'interesting' ......... I'll be keeping a lookout on this post to see the progress.

Hi John,

I finished it to this stage. No prizes for guessing. I think the figure will be mounted on the horse soon. Red fish alert.

Rgds Victor

I spent today sculpting mostly this piece. The cloak was a bit of a chore, having to plan for it and then to knock it up in several stages. Anyway, I think that the figure is mostly done and it's Gercault's Wounded Cuirassier. Hopefully, it will make a nice companion piece to my other Gericault Chasseur.

Now correcting and adding more details to the piece. The folds of the cloak and the gloves, The head and the white plume. Notice that I've displaced the sheepskin shabrague according to the painting. Separately, I've also knocked up the usual box and frame for this.

Horse and figure almost completed. The positioning is also done. I've sprayed the piece with grey primer.

The usual quick slap of humbrol enamels to get started on the painting.

Here's the setup for the box and bkgd. A large cardboard sheet was cut and stuffed into the box. White glue was added to stick all the flaps together.

I've completed the outer box, tinted and varnished. Starting to paint the bkgd.
Also painting the cuirassier.

Won that the Rubens piece is completed, I can focus more on this piece. I also cut out the frame for this piece as I was doing the Rubens frame.
Cutting out frame openings is a real pain. You have to squat on your knees and try to get the opening squared up.

Painted most of the cuirassier. I posed him on the base and created a slant. Then the position of this was marked on the background. The base will be worked on separately but I can now paint the sky and clouds.

We finally have liftoff on this stalled project. I had put off doing the head stall for a while.

Finally got my act together and completed the harness barring some minor details.

I added the cuirassier to the scene and carefully linked him to the reins. Very fiddly work. Then I built up the cloak and ground work and test-fitted the scene in the box. This shows up the shadows for me to paint.

I have started on the the last stage of completion.

Almost done with the painting. Notice the highlights and shadows on the armour and the ground. Awaiting the paint to dry before I seal it in the box.

Final paintng on this piece.

I've sealed it in the frame and taken a close up. Now adding the usual magnetic latches to the box and frame.

This makes a nice companion piece to my other Gericault ptg The Charging Chasseur.

His full name is Jean-Louis Andre Theodore Gericault.

I can now say that I have a pair of old jeans....(groan) :):):)



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