Deceased forum members (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Feb 7, 2007
Just wondering if there is a mechanism to deactivate the accounts of deceased members. Or perhaps an electronic wall or rememberance.
Just wondering if there is a mechanism to deactivate the accounts of deceased members. Or perhaps an electronic wall or rememberance.

Damian -

Our policy has been to keep the account open (so old posts can be viewed), but make it so no visitor messages or PMs can be sent to them and no posts can be made from the account.

I am not sure there is a mechanism in place for the forum administrator to be informed of the passing of a member. In the past, it has been through a member posting a thread making known to the forum of the demise of a fellow member. If there is no offline network of collectors in any particular locale, the forum (including the administrator) may not get to know about it at all.


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