Del Prado plague (1 Viewer)

kilted vampire

Lieutenant Colonel
Mar 2, 2006
Seems that Del Prado has flying boy syndrome.They don't ship on time. They ship out of order. The figures made some three or four years ago suffer from flaking paint. The good news is the sculpts are good and ripe for conversion. And the bases are already painted! Can't beat the price though.I can buy almost 3 for the price of one K&C
I have to agree del prado are some great figures for the price. I hope they continue with the K&C sculpts. I wish that they would do some more of the napoleonics or some other 19th century wars like zulu war, crimian war, boxer rebelion,cival war, franco/prussian, ect. I always loved that period of time and they had some cool uniforms back then also that would make for some great figures. I just wish that they could give you a few of each figure instead of just one figure from each unit or country and i wish they had a little more action. As for conversions, metal figures are not so easy to convert, but it is possible if you have patience.
Conversions are not too bad the arms and figures seperate rather easily. A little twisting a sharp rap and voila! Will be posting pics soon in conversion thread:rolleyes:
Cheese and crackers it seems to have been 6 or 7 weeks since the last shipment and it was the wrong ones. They promised it would be right next time but no figures. What a way to run a war:mad:
Cheese and crackers it seems to have been 6 or 7 weeks since the last shipment and it was the wrong ones. They promised it would be right next time but no figures. What a way to run a war:mad:
Rick from Del Prado USA/ONTC here. We have had some shipment delays and several figures were sent out of order the past month or so. The email below was sent to all people who subscribe to del Prado. I hope it puts everyone's mind at ease. While there will always be delays and mix-ups due to the shear scope of the project. All figures will be available and we are on top of it. It is very hard to deal with a company that produces so many 100,000s of products but things are going pretty good considering.....

I would also like to add that any customer receiving a figures that is damaged in any way including flaking paint will get a replacement right away. We make every effort to take care of any problems or complaints that may arise. Just let us know.

>>>>>Dear Del Prado Customer,
The August shipment of your subscription to the Napoleonic Cavalry series (Medieval) has been postponed. We order shipments on a monthly basis and were unaware that Spain basically closes down for holidays (vacations) for the entire month of August. Our August shipment was not shipped from Spain until today and will arrive to us the first/second week of September. Therefore there will be no August subscription shipment. Regular shipments of this series will resume in September and ship to you mid month.

Also please note that we may receive some future figures out of numerical sequence but we are keeping track of which figures you have received and you will receive all figures in the series. You do not have to worry about anything, will continue to receive four figures per month and will receive the entire series in the end. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please feel free to phone us at 248.544.3088 with any questions or concerns.

Rick Berry
Del Prado USA
I'm glad to hear that something is happening. What a way to run a railroad! Things are definately done different in Europe! It will be good to see the Brunswicker Hussars!
I'm glad to hear that something is happening. What a way to run a railroad! Things are definately done different in Europe! It will be good to see the Brunswicker Hussars!

Unfortunatly we here in the states are second class citizens when it comes to del Prado. While we are stuggling to get over the 1000 per figure mark here Europe sells 100,000 or more of each. The recent re-release of several series in England has also affected our shipments. I have been told that the first figures in each series sold over 350,000 each in France alone. They are more successful there because they are sold through independent newstands while here those are few and far between. The big chains don't know how to handle them and therefore won't deal with them. We are left to eek out a nitch here for the figures one store at a time. Del Prado is still commited to making a go of it here and we are doing our best. Please remember that if you have have a problem with a del Prado figure purchased from us or one of our dealers we will stand behind it 110%.
ONTC/Del Prado USA (
Well Rick I quess I should say thanks for the updates. You are a real trooper. Get it trooper toy soldiers? Sorry:rolleyes: I like the figures the paint sucks as it sometimes seems to flake off. I should stress here that in its self is not a problem for me because they usually get repainted. The big plus is I can get three for the price of one:) K&C figure.Seriously thank you for your effforts.
Well it is the middle of October and no new shipments except for the out of order ones . Del prado Plague continues. This screw up is apparently the norm. All of this supposedly occured in Europe before. This was going to be a flamer but then I decided not to care anymore. Last post about the Plague. Del Prado stinks:p
Well it is the middle of October and no new shipments except for the out of order ones . Del prado Plague continues. This screw up is apparently the norm. All of this supposedly occured in Europe before. This was going to be a flamer but then I decided not to care anymore. Last post about the Plague. Del Prado stinks:p

They seem to come in waves. By the way if you don't mind not having English language Remeber Austerlitz over Remember Waterloo then you can source them from French dealers at reasonable rates. They're falling over themselves on eBay to offload certain items. The only killer is shipping to the States; Rick Berry would still have the advantage in that respect.

i own hundreds of del prado and starlux lead soldiers, napoleonic, some still in original box....
i am looking for a potential buyer who CARES (i guess a collector right!?)

well... any lead on this?

I bought the first figure in the new DelPrado series “Cavalry” today – a Marlburian cavalryman for the special price of £2.99. It’s close enough to the period I collect – from the Restoration to the end of the century – to allow me to convert them. I can’t buy a mounted casting for that price.
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I bought the first figure in the new DelPrado series “Cavalry” today – a Marlburian cavalryman for the special price of £2.99. It’s close enough to the period I collect – from the Restoration to the end of the century – to allow me to convert them. I can’t buy a mounted casting for that price.

I bought the same figure today, even at the the full price of £7.99 its cheaper than most castings.

I see that there is going to be a Trooper, 2nd (Royal North British) Dragoons from the Battle of Dettingen 1743 on the list of forthcoming releases. Is that another for the paint brush?

I like the story from Dettigen of King George dismounting when his horse shied due to a cannonball ploughed through the grass, saying that he could at least control his own legs. His English wasn't too good but his courage was second to none.

I’m looking at the French musketeer – some of the Royal Household wore these tabards.

Will look at the Scots Grey

I reviewed the first of the medieval figures when they were released and think they are terrific – good quality, well painted and inexpensive. I bought the Mongol cavalryman - doesnt compare with the Russian Mongols I have but cost about £90 less.

As you say even at full price good value
I bought the same figure today, even at the the full price of £7.99 its cheaper than most castings.

I see that there is going to be a Trooper, 2nd (Royal North British) Dragoons from the Battle of Dettingen 1743 on the list of forthcoming releases. Is that another for the paint brush?

started on the conversion. Removed the tricorne and the queue, built up hair and a beaver hat
waiting for the putty to dry
for £2.99 can't go wrong even if I make a mess of it
Just picked up one today. Looking forward to the next issue with the WWII German Cavalry. Looks a very similar casting to another companies retired offering. Might well follow suit, get a few and do some minor cutting work to get some variations.

One thing I can say about the Del Prado is that they are so in-expensive you don't mind chopping them up.:p
Basic work is done, painted as 2nd Iniskilling Regt of Horse 1690 (red with green facings) - 1st Regt has red facings with its red coat just too easy.Two complaints from a convertor's point of view - no breast plate and the jacket is open showing the waistcoat - dont always know what the waistcoat colour was.
But at such a price I can live with these
bought three of No1 - might buy a couple morewill look at the rest of the range for potential figures
Basic work is done, painted as 2nd Iniskilling Regt of Horse 1690 (red with green facings) - 1st Regt has red facings with its red coat just too easy.Two complaints from a convertor's point of view - no breast plate and the jacket is open showing the waistcoat - dont always know what the waistcoat colour was.
But at such a price I can live with these
bought three of No1 - might buy a couple morewill look at the rest of the range for potential figures

Bob I would love to see your conversions. I have done these in the past and am very interested :cool:

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