Del Prado The Far West Series (1 Viewer)

Louis A. Cortez

Mar 15, 2007
I just received the first 4 figures from the Far West Series. I really like the Gambler. The sheriff is not bad either. I signed up for the subscription service so I hope that the next batch will be just as good. I would like to make a few suggestions just in case anyone from Del Prado is listening.

If possible, could you possibly add to the Far west series with a saloon scene. I mean, a table full of gamblers playing poker, a saloon girl entertaining the crowd, a bartender serving a beer, a drunk trying to stay standing up. A piano player in the corner, a gunfighter lurking in the background. A deputy attempting to keep the place under control, get the picture.
Another scene that I hope we can get is a typical jail, where the deputy is sleeping or otherwise occupied and the jail has a few prisoners. Something of that nature.
There are so many possibilites and I hope that Del Prado takes advantage of setting up some of those possibilities. Thanks.
Anyone out there have other ideas?
The tage coach is really cool. I just do not know if I have the patience to put up with all the shipping shenanigans;)
I just received the second wave of the Wild West series. Too cool. These guys are really well made for the price. I hope the series continues. I know that the delivery is slow but at least the figures are well made. Anyone else out there collecting the Wild West series?:D
Not collecting it but picking up a couple of pieces to fit into diorama's. I got the Wild west train driver recently, as you say the quality is very comparable to K&C. The other series , I picked up a couple of pieces from is the fireman series, they have got a couple of WWII characters including an armed french firefighter , a german firefighter directing traffic, and a london blitz fireman.

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