Devils in Baggy Pants......I read this book when I was at school.....it is about the American Airbourne...maybe the 82nd...cannot remember.....what I do remember is the author who went through some of the roughest fighting of the war was run over and killed by a car, long after the war....Has anyone read this book and could you tell me where I could buy it.....have not seen sight or sound of it since I read it....also a book called I few for the furhar (Hitler) and another battle of Britain book by Pierre Closterman ...cannot recall the title...spitfires etc.... they were the best WW2 air combat books I have read about fighter pilots....have read some beauties on B17,s....these are 3 great books I would love to own and read again ...anyone have a clue where I may find them ?...cheers TomB