Dh 104 Dove....Heron ? (1 Viewer)



A question for the aircraft buffs.....Have you ever seen the 4 engined version of the Dove....I am sure it was called a Heron....there was one flying in Perth years ago...I saw it at the airport....the days before the terrorist when you could wander around and talk to aircraft owners and pilots and sometime bludge a ride .......the good old days......TomB
A question for the aircraft buffs.....Have you ever seen the 4 engined version of the Dove....I am sure it was called a Heron....there was one flying in Perth years ago...I saw it at the airport....the days before the terrorist when you could wander around and talk to aircraft owners and pilots and sometime bludge a ride .......the good old days......TomB
Hi Tom,

Right you are. Simply a four-engine stretch version of the lovely "Dove." She had the designation dh114. Check the link below.

Tally Ho,

http://www.century-of-flight.net/Aviation history/coming of age/De Havilland DH.114 Heron.htm

Hi Tom,

Right you are. Simply a four-engine stretch version of the lovely "Dove." She had the designation dh114. Check the link below.

Tally Ho,

http://www.century-of-flight.net/Aviation history/coming of age/De Havilland DH.114 Heron.htm

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Thanks for that.....There was a Heron...I believe the prototype...with fixed undercart...I am sure the front wheel was fixed...abandoned at Perth airport...long story involved ,,but the Heron ended up in the yard next to ours at Jandakot Airport in Perth (private strip ) we had an old Dove 104 and C47..plus other and pieces...... we were trying to restore to Static display...we were only a two cent mob and had the yard free of rent,,.the useless Govt sold the airport to a private concern and they wanted rent ..which we could no way afford.....end of that story....The Heron was picked up by the Bull Creek Air Force museum in Perth to be restored... this was about ten yrs ago when all the drama happened and our little two cent operation folded....I visited the museum earlier this year to see if they had restored the Heron but they still had it in storage,,,BUT..I had a U Beaut pleasant surprise....They now have a PBY,,Cat ,,at the museum..wow...I have always wanted to see a Cat in the real..Awesum......I spent the happiest days of my life crawling around the old C47...I am not a pilot or ex air force ..just some-one interested in aircraft since I was a kid....strangely enough...the C47 was my dream aircraft...never interested in the Spitfire or P51 or P40's.....so in some way I guess my dreams had come true...sorry about the novel...got carried away.......cheers Tom

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