Dickens... (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Jan 7, 2013
I'm a little late to the party, but just started collecting these. I think they are a fun little set!

If you have others that you are willing to sell, please let me know
I would love to get my hands on that facade ^&grin! Very nice collection!
Maybe a re-visit by K&C with their latest talents would have a whole new Dickens followers, me for one.^&cool, Robin.
I too would enjoy the rebirth of the Dickens theme - I have no problem with the items released each year by K&K - But the collection of the original series is by far too expensive - I viewed one figure on Ebay at $180.00 - so come Mr K&K it's coming up to Christmas - How about releasing the snow bound Mr Dickens again - or perhaps the ghosts of Christmas pass might prevent you this year but perhaps you could think it over for next year - humbug!!!!!!!
They re-did Alamo and Custers Last Stand. Would love to see then re-do Dickens also. That range is really outstanding.

Yes, the Dickens series by K&C was very nice indeed. I had a bunch of them going back to about the year 2000 or so. I sold them all via consignment sales at Treefog Treasures in 2012.
The best thing about the K&C shop back in those days, it was located next to a pub, so you could stagger from the pub into a world of toy soldiers, what a great combination. Of course you could not return to the pub, because you would be broke like all of us these days after a visit to our friendly TS dealer. {sm4}, Robin.
That's where Dickens got the opening for A Tale of Two Cities: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." :wink2:
He comes with the guy he is standing near. best K&C dog ever in my opinion

Thanks for the info.

What are the chances that I will ever be able to track one down? Do the Dickens items ever appear on secondary markets?
Thanks for the info.

What are the chances that I will ever be able to track one down? Do the Dickens items ever appear on secondary markets?

The dog is not there, but Rodney's Dimestore gallery has 22 listed if money no object. Robin.
Picked up a few more recently (still looking for more if you want to sell!)




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