Did anyone on this forum.... (1 Viewer)

Aug 23, 2006
actually buy either or both of the Conte Bloody Omaha Beach playsets at OTSN last weekend?

I have specific questions about how the figures -- including the bonus figure cards -- were given out. Also questions about whether sales tax was charged or not.

I don't expect to find the answers here, but am taking a shot at it anyway.

Terry in Iowa
I bought 12 cards of the D-Day figures at show and sales tax was added.Richard picked cards so I got the right sets. Came in brown, green or tan. Leadmen
I purchases 12 cards of the new GI's. All dark brown. I was charged sales tax. As I have said earlier on this form. I found Richard Conte to be a real gentleman. He went through and picked out the 12 different cards for me as well.
Anyone have any tips on painting them? I have never painted plastic injection molded toy soldiers before...
The painted guys look nice when finished. I usually wash figures first with liquid dish soap and rinse. I then use Krylon Plastic spray paint to prime figures. I prefer white. Krylon paint made for plastics like lawn furniture and is widely available. I then prime figures again with Acrylic white figure primer. Flat white color. I paint figures with acrylics like Tamiya or Vallejo acrylics. Sometimes I use Humbrol enamels. After figures are painted I spray a coat of matte varnish. Most figures don't flake off paint then. I usually use white glue and mount 6-8 figures on a piece of 1" square wood or wood blocks for individual figures. Then prime all of them at once. I usually paint each figure on small blocks of 1" square stock. This cuts down on handling figure while painting. I paint flesh first, then coats, trousers and boots. Equiptment and weapons and belts next. Last I paint stands and touch up any details. Leadmen

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