I do know one thing, Hitler is long gone by now.
John from Texas
Not on toy soldier forums! {sm3}
Bro, this one has been debated, debunked and deloused since...FOREVER.
I do know one thing, Hitler is long gone by now.
John from Texas
A very good novel/secret history on this subject was written in 1987 by Joseph Heywood. It is titled 'The Berkut' and is all about the Hitler attempt to get out of Germany and the pursuit of him by a Russian agent. Stalin's wish for revenge is a very prominent feature of the book. It is a highly entertaining read. -- AlBro, this one has been debated, debunked and deloused since...FOREVER.
Personally, I have two thoughts: One, is that he was too vain to commit the ole Seppuku and fled to South America to join his buddies. His homies DID go over there and were eventually picked off one by one by the Mossad. But, I believe there were/are a lot more of them who made it and lived on. Second, he possibly did die in the bunker (or close by) and the Russians were the ones who whacked him out and sent his body to the Kremlin. Hitler stabbed Stalin in the back when he invaded Russia and broke their accord not to invade each other. Stalin never got over that one and went into a deep depression for 30 days or so stunned at Hitlers betrayal. Having studied Stalin, he is the kind of guy that would wanted Hitler all to him self...dead or alive...as a trophy or to exact some sort of creeped out revenge by throwing him in a personal cage or something. Yeah, Stalin was a sick dude.
I do know one thing, Hitler is long gone by now.
John from Texas
Hey John ... you really think so?
Then you have never seen the worse film in the history of movies: "THEY SAVED HITLER'S BRAIN"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LvBu2Rwfmw {sm4} {sm4} {sm4}
Watch the whole thing here if you can stomach 1 1/2 hours.
Not as good as Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
--- LaRRy
I have been watching Hunting Hitler and unless all those documents on the show is fake it's very compelling that he did make it to Argentina.Many thousands of Nazis did.We will probably never really know.I saw an interview with Tim Kennedy,a Green Beret on the show and he believes more and more that he did make it
Well Mark, I suppose it's possible that 'Der Fuhrer' really did make it out of Berlin...somehow grab a passing U Boat and sale across the Atlantic all the way to Argentina and remain hidden in some jungle hideaway for a year or two...
After all, it wasn't so long ago that the National Enquirer reported the presence of a UBoat on the moon!!!
All the best on Boxing Day,
Actually, I don’t think he remained in hiding. I lived in Uruguay in the 50s and the guy who used to sell us fresh hamburger meat and chorizos outside of Montevideo on the weekends had an uncanny resemblance to one Teppichfresser :wink2:
Klaatu barada nikto. :wink2: -- AlI believe in Ancient Aliens too.^&grin^&grin^&grin