Did you know they spoke Italian at the Battle of the Monongahela> - No Fibbing. (1 Viewer)


Master Sergeant
Nov 4, 2007
No, I am not kidding or spreading rumors - it is thought that Italian was spoken at a critical juncture in the battle.

Sir John St. Clair was the Quartermaster General for the Expedition. Depending on Authority, he held the rank of Major or Lt. Colonel in the British Army. Between 1735 and 1746, he was stationed on Minorca in the Mediterranean. From 1746 to 1748, we served with Austrian Army in Northern Italy during the War of Austrian Succession (Britain and Austrian Allies). This experience was a success and he was highly thought of in the Austrian Military and Court. During his time at the Austrian Court, St. Clair picked up a Hussar Uniform which he brought to North America. As Quartermaster General, he was known to wear this Hussar uniform in an attempt to intimidate and bully supplies and wagons from reluctant colonials, particularly German born colonists. Ben Franklin in his famous newspaper advertisement threatened that unless the needed supplies and support could be gathered there would be unwanted consequences.

From the Franklin advertisement: " If you do not do this service voluntarily, your Loyalty will be strongly suspected.... violent measures ..... I suppose Sir John St. St. Clair the Hussar, with a Body of Soldiers, will immediately enter the Province, for the Purpose aforesaid, of which I shall be sorry to hear."

The advertisement cured the supply problems.

Braddock in 1753 bought his colonelcy and was made commandant and acting Governor at Gibraltar. At this time, Gibraltar was considered a difficult, unwanted and isolated posting. Braddock did very well at Gibraltar, greatly improving conditions. When appointed to lead the assault on Fort Duquesne in 1755, he was on holiday in Italy.

St. Clair was in charge of the working party immediately behind the vanguard. Early in the battle, a mounted St. Clair was seriously wounded early in the battle - shot in the lungs, breaking his collar bones and damaging his shoulder blade. St. Clair managed to deploy his Virginia companies to cover the two 6-pounders and then rode to the rear to inform Braddock of the situation. He apparently warned Braddock "for God-Sake to gain the riseing ground on our Right to prevent our being Totally Surrounded." The classic story is that St. Clair issued this plea in Italian, so as not to alarm or panic the surrounding troops. The understanding is Braddock also spoke Italian. St. Clair then passed into unconsciousness and was later removed from the battle as one of the wagon casualties.

St. Clair proved a difficult officer and was disliked by more than a few fellow officers. In 1756, St. Clair was promoted to Lt. Col of the 3rd Battalion of the 60th. In 1758, he was assigned Quartermaster General for successful Forbes Expedition against Fort Duquesne, but performed poorly and was loathed by Forbes. Osprey Press has him commanding a battalion at Quebec, but other sources indicate he was "banished" by Amherst, a friend of Forbes. He was promoted to Full Colonel in 1762. Died 1767, it is thought death was related to wounded received at Monongahela.

So thinking two new figures, a wounded St. Clair and an unwounded Braddock, mounted or unmounted, either works for me. It is cold here, so how's the weather in Italy, Carlo?
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Re: Did you know they spoke Italian at the Battle of the Monongahela> - No Fibbing.

.....oh Ken, you tell always some intriguing and mysterious stories, always appealing! This is fantastic.
After your words I begin to think that my passion for the French and Indian Wars, and for the Battle of Monongahela in particular, is not accidental but a sign of fate!!!
For those interested here we have a mild and pleasant temperature but many rains...
Re: Did you know they spoke Italian at the Battle of the Monongahela> - No Fibbing.

Wonderful story. Didn't know about it. Thanks :)
Re: Did you know they spoke Italian at the Battle of the Monongahela> - No Fibbing.

"THIS" story is the reason that I love collecting to soldiers and being on this forum ..... fun stuff and great information.
Many thanks :salute::

--- LaRRY
Re: Did you know they spoke Italian at the Battle of the Monongahela> - No Fibbing.

how clever was St. Clair...

in Italian...

so as not to scare the troops...^&grin

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