Different eyes - all K&C? (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Jan 7, 2013
I am toying with buying this set. My concern is that two of the figures have differently painted eyes. Do you think this is a complete K&C set, or do you think it's partial and these two are a different manufacturer? thanks in advance! zach


I may have answered my own question bc now that I look, the plaid is a little different, as are the socks
Can I see a closeup of the first one because that may be genuine.

As to whether it's complete look at my albums page. However, I wouldn't get hung up on whether it's complete because you can always find extras. I've built sets that way.
ZB and JAZZ,

OMG I was going to email you Brad about this particular seller and set. I heard somewhere about "King Cast" and wanted to get with you guys and see if these are "Authentic" K&C or this "King Cast" business. ZB, yeah man I saw that too on the set you posted the pics on and was like "yo those dudes have white in their eyes, socks don't match...what the hell"? So, I have looked at his other sets and have some misgivings about bidding.

What say you? Is BillSchorn legit, a member, here or a charlatan?

John from Texas

PS: BillSchorn if this was an honest mistake...cool...but need more info please.
Great minds John!!!! They don't call him Eagle Eye Tex for nuthin!
I just opened it in paint (I have apple, but that was done on my work computer which is PC) and drew on it, saved it and shrunk it for the forum.

I am a regular Renoir
The lead figure could be K & C but I am on vacation right now so I can't compare it to my figure.
I looked at the brochures and the lead figure is K & C. However, if you look at photo 14 of the glossy brochure in my album, this figure doesn't go with the band. It's still a nice figure though and not easy to find.
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Bill is legit. I have dealt with him for 20 some years. He used to own a Toy Soldier Shop in wisconsin and then moved to Florida. If you have a problem with what he will make it right. Bill is a class guy.
Those are some nice figures, I would mention that Frontline Glossy and K&C Glossy look a lot alike so you mismatched piper could be one from Front Lines Glossy days. Still until you find a replacement he can fill the gap.


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