Dispatches...Tomorrow, Monday or the 6th? (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
So when do we think we will see dispatches and what else other than D-Day do you think we will see troops?

I'm hoping for tomorrow as the weather has been terrible over here in Scotland and that would brighten up my weekend for sure!

Hoping we see all of the Rangers figures and the LCVP but maybe we'll even see a little DDay surprise from Andy which hasn't been previously shown?😉

What other ranges do we think will be reinforced? WW1? Israelis? Some more Naps? Hong Kong?


I like the new Rangers figures !!! and it is almost 75th anniversary of D Day but I am also waiting for a few USMC sets!

so maybe it will be a beach RELEASES !!! from the cold Normandy beach to the warm and humid Pacific beach !!!

IF .. those are released, it will be a very happy day!^&grin
Good to see that Andy & K&C are filling in some of the "holes" in the series.

Fingers crossed.

--- LaRRy
You never know Andy might give out an early preview, but I suspect Monday will be the day we get to see what are for June's releases. Though I'm still waiting for Aprils release to arrive {sm2}


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