Does anyone know. Do K&C plan to do any of the British empire troops such as the Seaforth highlanders as part of their Sons of the Empire series.
Really like this era and read alot about it and it is so fascinating - so was wondering if K&C plan to do more in this series.
I noticed they did various India troops. So was wondering if they planned to do any of the British troops as well as any of the opposing Arab & Afghan troops
Thanks for reading
Does anyone know. Do K&C plan to do any of the British empire troops such as the Seaforth highlanders as part of their Sons of the Empire series.
Really like this era and read alot about it and it is so fascinating - so was wondering if K&C plan to do more in this series.
I noticed they did various India troops. So was wondering if they planned to do any of the British troops as well as any of the opposing Arab & Afghan troops
Thanks for reading