Do you buy multiples? (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
I buy almost every K&C military line, but I have never bought multiples of any one figure or set.
Who does and what line.
I havn't as yet but am thinking about it.I really like the quality of the D Day and Bulge sets and would like to add some to beef up numbers.I also would like to have a slightly bigger Tommy patrol,just add a couple more maybe.

I have the odd double, the bren carrier and winter tank riders for example. I too would like a couple more sets of Tommy patrol, although if there were two different sets I might get three or four in total to mix a patrol.
If you're collecting Napoleonic, then you kind of have to to create a line of soldiers firing!!!:eek::D:D:D:D
Unfornately - Multiples are my life :rolleyes:

When you collect the NAPOLEONIC Line - YOU MUST HAVE MULTIPLES - for your diaoramas to look good. I also have certain retired Napoleonics that I have multiples of for saving or trading or Ebay at a later date. Its like a small investment in your own Toy Soldier Collection. :)

I buy multiples occasionally, usually when I believe a set works well in dioramas, or is the type of set that looks good in multiples. However, I have ended up either trading or giving away most of my multiples after the sets are retired, when a friend who didn't get one needs it.
I have bought multilpes of BR 40 , British Infanry , marching, I have 32 of those right now, It's an impressive formation. These are the only KNC soldiers that I have purchased multiples. Oh...I do have 6 of the Kneeling firing NY Infantry as well, and 6 standing of the same...

I Buy Multiples In The Napoleonic Range. That Is The Only Way To Set Up A Squar To Repell The French.;)
Fancy you should ask that question. I was just setting up my new Cuirassiers this morning. UPS left me a very nice sized box on Friday the contents of which I am still organizing. I got all the new Cuirassiers and the 45th Line Infantry figures. I have the 45th going against my Scots Greys and the Cuirassiers waiting the new Coldstream Guards in June.

The reason I mention the above is that as I began to set up the battle lines I made a decision to add to the sets. When I am putting a square together I use many many multiples. I have two British squares. One Black Watch with 195 figures and one with 220 of the 71st Foot (I have added to them since I posted the pictures a while back ). Squares are like a big sponge when it comes to adding multiples. You can put 25 or 30 guys in a square and it seems like nothing has changed.

But when I am putting together battle scenes that are not squares, I am selective in the types of multiples I use. I will be adding only specific figures to make my particular view of the battle seem more realistic to me personally. In the case of the Scots Greys I will be adding four more of one figure, NA85 Scots Grey Charging. In the case of the Cuirassiers I will be adding one NA116 Advancing and three NA114 Charging Sword Forward. When I ordered the 45th line there are 11 different poses. I have 18 figures and I want to get two more dead guys. I have already determined that I will need 35 of the new Coldstream Guards.

That's my thought process. However, I am sure some guys just collect one of each figure. Me, I believe in the male ethos, "more is better." ;):cool:

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