Does anyone here know if the major earthquake in China affected the area where the factories that produce K&C figures are located? What province of China are the factories located?
Two of my nieces were near the affected area (my sister's family lives in Hong Kong) on a class trip and my sister was frantic for over an hour until she heard from one of her daughters (thank god for cell phones) and she called us tonight and said the girls were in Xian, waiting for a flight back to HK so thank goodness they were ok. A great relief to all of us, to say the least.
Two of my nieces were near the affected area (my sister's family lives in Hong Kong) on a class trip and my sister was frantic for over an hour until she heard from one of her daughters (thank god for cell phones) and she called us tonight and said the girls were in Xian, waiting for a flight back to HK so thank goodness they were ok. A great relief to all of us, to say the least.