I checked out your eBay sales and noticed war-gaming figures in 28mm. Do you war-game miniatures? I ask as I used too with WRG 7th edition using 25mm Vikings and Normans but have not gamed in years. I have a lot of unpainted lead and wanted to start gaming again of Colonial Northwest Frontier and have old Ral Partha 25mm yet most new miniatures in the series are 28mm, which really do not merge well for scale appearance.
I also have 1/50 Solido armor of both German forces (Tigers, Panthers, and Jag-Panthers, oh my), American (Sherman’s, Lee’s, and Priests), and British Eighth Army (Grants, Priests, and SAS Jeeps) and was looking for figures to engage in infantry tactics. I am not sure of what rules system but I really like these metal die-cast with the steel treads so I have a nice collection to arm opposite sides. I again am solitary as far as finding opponents plus I work way too much but I was thinking of attending Gaming Cons again to see if I can get back into it, or if not then just to collect and paint the figures.