Ebay won't help me... (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Aug 3, 2008
so I got this funky "positive" feedback on Ebay from a guy...
that Ebay won't remove because it's a positive feedback and not a negative feedback...'

this was his feedback...

"Description was for a 1/32 model figured. After abt 2 mos, rec'd a resin kit."

it was for a Conte set...
4 metal Conte Barbarians...

he bought it on May 11th...
paid for it on May 12th...
received it on May 15th...
fast delivery...

it was not a kit...
there is no assembly required...

they are not resin figures...
they are metal figures...

and it didn't take 2 months to get it...
it took 3 days...

I did not advertise their scale...
I never do as I don't want to make a mistake...

if somebody reads this "positive" feedback...
I look like a lazy crook that just doesn't care...
2 months to receive it...
I wouldn't buy from a seller like that...

Ebay won't remove it cause it's not a negative feedback...
Mike, only speaking for myself but I only read negative or neutral feedback. I would think most people do the same. Let it get bumped further down and know one will read it. But as I,ve said on many occasions. Ebay never let's you down.
I have a question. I only use Global Shipping for international buyers. But as I'm sure you know some international buyers use some sort of forwarding process. I ship to an address in the USA and then they ship to the buyer in the foreign country. When does my responsability stop? I would think at the USA address I sent it to but how do I proove it?
Mike, only speaking for myself but I only read negative or neutral feedback. I would think most people do the same. Let it get bumped further down and know one will read it. But as I,ve said on many occasions. Ebay never let's you down.
I have a question. I only use Global Shipping for international buyers. But as I'm sure you know some international buyers use some sort of forwarding process. I ship to an address in the USA and then they ship to the buyer in the foreign country. When does my responsability stop? I would think at the USA address I sent it to but how do I proove it?


I don't use it...because I believe it inflates the shipping cost to the buyer too much...causing him not to bid...but it sure sounds like the safe way to sell...especially International...

I want to use it...but I'm gonna have to talk to Ebay and see the difference in cost to my buyer...
George (Minutemen) swears by it...he knows more about it than I do...

I think the hub is in Kentucky...not 100% sure on that...your responsibility stops once Kentucky passes it on...Ebay claims they inspect each package once it arrives in Kentucky...but I have a hard time believing that...

about my whine...
you're right...
it will get buried after a few feed backs...
and also...
I don't read positive feedback...
I do read negative though...

I guess I'm just PO'ed that the guy claims it took 2 months to get it...
and that it was a resin kit...
but mostly that even though the representative I spoke to...
who said she understands 100% what I'm whining about...
her reply was that Ebay won't remove anything unless it's marked "negative"...
no exceptions...

I'm probably gonna send the guy a message in a few days asking him why he left me foul, bogus feedback...
Mike, I think Gary was asking about some freight forwarders, which is different than eBay although they are a type of freight forwarder. The difference is that eBay is doing it for the seller so the seller is covered if there is damage to the item whereas it’s not clear where a seller’s liability begins and ends with a freight forwarder. If a buyer uses a forwarder and the buyer receives a damaged item, I can see the forwarder claiming that it was the seller’s responsibility and vice versa. I have seen some listings say they won’t ship to a freight forwarder.
I have used global shipping as a seller. My understanding is sellers responsibility ends when arrived safely in Kentucky. It also protects you from negative feedback with shipping times etc. without it, I used to limit my sales to the USA since i didn’t want to deal with customs forms and the like
Just reread your post. I don’t know about freight forwarding. I’ve never run into that that I know of
Mike, I think Gary was asking about some freight forwarders, which is different than eBay although they are a type of freight forwarder. The difference is that eBay is doing it for the seller so the seller is covered if there is damage to the item whereas it’s not clear where a seller’s liability begins and ends with a freight forwarder. If a buyer uses a forwarder and the buyer receives a damaged item, I can see the forwarder claiming that it was the seller’s responsibility and vice versa. I have seen some listings say they won’t ship to a freight forwarder.

you're 100% correct...
I totally misread Gary's post and just assumed he meant Ebay's shipping program...
I have heard of freight forwarders...
but know little about them...
there was an Asian organization based in California a few years ago...
that had a terrible reputation for getting the forwarding process finalized...
the seller bore the brunt of the expense on non deliveries...
the went under several alias names and stayed in business even with numerous complaints...
You are allowed to respond to any feedback left for you whether it's positive or negative,it's at the bottom of your feedback page.Just go on and state your facts.I don't think most people read positive feedback because the negative is more relevant but I'm sure some do so why not set the story straight if you can.
Mike, I think Gary was asking about some freight forwarders, which is different than eBay although they are a type of freight forwarder. The difference is that eBay is doing it for the seller so the seller is covered if there is damage to the item whereas it’s not clear where a seller’s liability begins and ends with a freight forwarder. If a buyer uses a forwarder and the buyer receives a damaged item, I can see the forwarder claiming that it was the seller’s responsibility and vice versa. I have seen some listings say they won’t ship to a freight forwarder.

Yes, What Brad posted is what I'm talking about. The problem is you don't know if the buyer is using a forwarding process until after the sale.
Mike in regards to Global Shipping, the ONLY WAY TO GO. It has saved me on several occasions.
just contacted the buyer...
exchanged 3 emails...
he said my feedback was intended for another seller...
apologized about the mistake...

after trying to change it...
he said he couldn't change it...
I had to instigate a feed back review through Ebay and send it to him...

I called Ebay...
they had previously told me that they could not delete a positive feedback no matter if it was flattering or derogatory...
the representative said...
not true...
we can remove a positive feedback if the buyer posted it by mistake...

the representative reviewed the 3 emails and said he would remove it...
24-48 hours it should be gone...

on another note...
got this message from a Canadian buyer today...

"I’ve received my item , I’m very pleased with the quality.. however I’m very disappointed that I had to pay additional customs fees, I wouldn’t have bought it if there was.. I’m upset that you did not disclose this in your advertisement..."

does anybody add to their ad's body of content...
a disclaimer or notice that the buyer pays custom's fees?

I never had...
in fact...
I can't ever remember seeing an ad with this message enclosed...
Mike, only speaking for myself but I only read negative or neutral feedback. I would think most people do the same. Let it get bumped further down and know one will read it. But as I,ve said on many occasions. Ebay never let's you down.
I have a question. I only use Global Shipping for international buyers. But as I'm sure you know some international buyers use some sort of forwarding process. I ship to an address in the USA and then they ship to the buyer in the foreign country. When does my responsability stop? I would think at the USA address I sent it to but how do I proove it?

According to Ebay, you are NOT responsible 100% if an item shipped via a freight forwarding company arrives in the country of destination damaged.

Ebay will have your back, but my question is what about Paypal; if the buyer complains to Paypal, will they over ride Ebay and refund the money, that is the question.

And no, you have no idea someone is using a freight forwarder until AFTER they buy the item.

As far as global shipping; I 100% WILL NOT sell any other way, as you said, it has saved me on more than one occasion.

As far as the extra expense; if someone wants an item badly enough, they don't care...………………………………...whatever sales I lose by using it is far, far offset by the hassles that would ensue without it...…………..nope, not going to do it.

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